Eydis: The Island of the Dragon Bride audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Eydis: The Island of the Dragon Bride audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Eydis: The Island of the Dragon Bride audiobook free
Exciting start to a new series. Can\’t wait for the next book. Have no idea where this series is going but I will enjoy the ride. I love Ms. Johnson\’s writing.
Review #2
Eydis: The Island of the Dragon Bride audiobook streamming online
This is an epic short story written by one of my favorite authors.
Review #3
Audiobook Eydis: The Island of the Dragon Bride by C. S. Johnson
At first you think the story is gonna be a Viking Saga. The lead character is a very self centered individual. He is in love with a girl and gets a wild idea in his head to slay a dragon for her. This is the tale. The ending is not what you would expect. There were no typos and the sentences were well written. The book was more of a short story. It wasn\’t a bad story, but it wasn\’t a great story either and I really didn\’t connect with any of the characters which is why I gave it 3 stars. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Review #4
Audio Eydis: The Island of the Dragon Bride narrated by William Hoyle
[I voluntarily reviewed and advance copy of this book] Life is hard, Sterlig said, brushing the matter aside. If you cant fight for what you want, you will never get it. If you get hurt, you get hurt getting what you want. If you die, you die doing what you needed to do. It is an honorable way to live Sterlig Kyvansson, hero of his people is off to slay a dragon and save the people of the Island of Eydis from being captives. He feels he needs to prove himself worthy of the hand of his beloved Arja. So he and his cronies take off to save these people, or prove the legend false? His own Pride is his downfall, and much like the Greek hero Odysseus when he hears Circe, he becomes enamored of the song of Princess Brynja,the Bride of Andor, the one he wants to save. The Magic of the place scrambles his brain and literally changes his tune…. And then…..and then…. you have to read it yourself to find out! Wonderfully written tale that makes me want to read more and more of CS Johnson. Highest recommendation,
Review #5
Free audio Eydis: The Island of the Dragon Bride – in the audio player below
A fantastic read that grabs you from the first page to the last. Its a fast past read with epic scenes, the scenes are written so well that I can picture them in my minds eye. This is a real page turner with twists and turns that keeps you enthralled. The Author has brought a fantastic read to fruition. I definitely recommend. Shauna Joesten
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