Fear the Survivors (The Fear Saga #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Fear the Survivors (The Fear Saga #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Fear the Survivors (The Fear Saga #2) audiobook free
Absolutely loved book one and book two (would go so far as to say some of my favorite books ever!), but having to drop a star after book three turned out SO bad [more later]. I\’ve really enjoyed book one and book two. Great storytelling and pacing, compelling characters, and excellent \”world building\” that tries very hard to go beyond the two dimension treatment similar trilogies would have done. Trying to write a story that covers the reactions of an entire WORLD\’s governments and cultures\’ reactions to such a threat is probably next to impossible, but this series did a much better job than most! Unfortunately book three (as is so often the case) seems to suffer from over editing from a far too aggressive publishing company or other editoroial process, wherein the author\’s voice gets lost on the \”cutting room floor\”, (read my review of book three for all those details).
Review #2
Fear the Survivors (The Fear Saga #2) audiobook streamming online
Fear the Survivors is the second book of the Fear Saga. If you like carefully crafted science fiction, large in scope, and an exciting read, this series is for you. It describes the efforts of a small group of scientists and warriors to rid the earth of the agents of an alien race bent on the destruction of mankind to take over the planet for itself. The agents have technology far beyond humanity that requires the group to develop the same technology through the help of a renegade agent. While desperately developing the infrastructure to compete with the alien agents, the agents plot the destruction of humanity in monstrous ways. The plot develops at a fast pace, keeping the reader\’s interest to the point one simply cannot stop reading. The Fear Saga matches the efforts of many of the more famous authors. I was fortunate to find the Fear Saga after the trilogy of as completed. I can\’t read anything else until the series is over.
Review #3
Audiobook Fear the Survivors (The Fear Saga #2) by Stephen Moss
Stephen Moss is an author to watch. More to the point, he\’s an author to read. Grab everything he writes. You won\’t be disappointed. He tells stories and creates characters that draw you in, involve you, make you either love or hate them. His plots move at the speed of lightning and you\’ll be instantly whisked away. His FEAR trilogy is one of the best science fiction stories I\’ve read in years…on a par with Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke. I promise you that once you start, you can\’t pout this book down. But do yourself a favor. Start with THE SKY which is the first book in this trilogy. Then read THE SURVIVORS. You won\’t be sorry!
Review #4
Audio Fear the Survivors (The Fear Saga #2) narrated by R.C. Bray
I just finished the second book in the series, and immediately bought the third. Now that I am retired I am a full time UFO investigator, so I come from a lifetime of sci-fi movies, books, etc. These books are exciting and they really work through all of the intricacies of what might happen if an alien race decided to take Earth away from us. After all, we as a species don\’t seem to appreciate it very much. What if they sent advance robotic scouts? What would out technology be like if we don\’t kill ourselves and we advanced for another few centuries at the accelerating rate of technological change we have now? What would you do if you knew for certain that in not very many years the main invasion force would be here to exterminate homo sapiens, and the exterminators don\’t care about political parties, religious affiliations or national boundaries? This storyline has been thought out and comes at you in great detail. I really like how well the blending of supercomputers, AI, and the human mind is handled. Very convincing. This is a great blend of what makes human beings what we are – compassionate, self-sacrificing, cruel, greedy, maniacal. It\’s all in here. I am hoping for a little more romance in the midst of all the conflict, but this is a wild ride and a great read. The descriptions of military weapons, both existing and conceptual is again very convincing. I found a very few editing problems; they were all the same type – homonyms, like \”breaks\” and brakes,\” etc.
Review #5
Free audio Fear the Survivors (The Fear Saga #2) – in the audio player below
This series is refreshing compared to a lot of the sci-fi I have read. I love the fact that the timeline is relatively long filled with plenty of opportunities for disasters, triumphs, tribulations, worry,and exaltation s. The character set is broad and diverse. Some die,some added,all evolve. The timeline is \”realistic\” if any can be called in sci-fi. Meaning that it takes time for events to happen. Many books tend to forget that aspect. Kudos to Moss for at least trying to keep it realistic. I am looking forward to the next book and recommend the series to others.
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