Hard Rock Sin (Darkest Days #3) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Hard Rock Sin (Darkest Days #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.
Review #1
Hard Rock Sin (Darkest Days #3) audiobook free
Cameron has always been my fave, I love, love, love, love this series, I think Athena really grabs ya up and makes ya wanna know more, I was so glad to see that book #3 & #4 had come out and some how I had missed it??! WHAT??! So I jumped on book #3. Such a great read!! …I would say that I usually go for the bad boy, their issues just pull at your heartstrings and you just feel for them. I think Cameron is just misunderstood. He doesn’t get his parents? He lives in this huge-ass-mansion and feel so alone. Cameron is a character that I feel I see differently than a lot of folks, pics I have seen of him on the net …I just see him with more character and way cooler, just saying!! LOL! …each of these men in Darkest Days the rock group are way bad in their own way, a back story, way deep, at times such heavy issues, maybe even more than the band members even might know of or realize … Can they be tamed? I love everything about Lily …she is just too too cute. Her super hero undies, I never find 1 that are super cool, the guys get all the great undies in my humble opinion in the real world, just saying!! I gotta asked …’cause they never say … will Lily’s issues ever get better? mental health is so important and not something we should look down on, or feel ashamed about, asking for help .. no matter what circumstances we went through and all jazz. To me you are bigger person if you realize you can and do need outside assistance. Us family members or best friends should be there to support and do what we can if u need anything from us??! Getting ready to start book #4 now. Have a great day! Go Check This Series out!! ( ;
Review #2
Hard Rock Sin (Darkest Days #3) audiobook streamming online
Noah Hart’s little sister Lily and Cameron Thorne the bassist for Darkest Days . If you are a fan of the series or not this is one you will want to read . If you have read the Darkest Days series you are familiar with Cameron and his wild ways . This story sheds a whole new light on Cameron . Lily the little sister Noah protects more than anything. Lily and Cameron are fantastic together and I loved their story . Can’t wait for the next one in the series . Athena Wright is a rock star when it comes to writing about them .
Review #3
Audiobook Hard Rock Sin (Darkest Days #3) by Athena Wright
I almost didnt read this book. Another little sister of the body kind of relationship book. But I dont wanna skip a book in the series so I read it. I am glad to say that reading it was enjoyable. Cameron had a lot more depth than he was portrayed having in the other books. And theres always a reason somebody acts out and does something.
Review #4
Audio Hard Rock Sin (Darkest Days #3) narrated by Stephanie Wyles
I loved both Noah and Ians stories tremendously but I think I might actually love Camerons more. Maybe its because I understand the feel of it in a more personal way, I dont know, but I really really adored this read <3
Review #5
Free audio Hard Rock Sin (Darkest Days #3) – in the audio player below
Lily is to stay the summer at Cameron’s mansion and attend college. They fall in love and have to figure how to tell Noah. Nice even storyline believable characters.
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