Motive (Waverly Beach Cozy Mystery #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Motive (Waverly Beach Cozy Mystery #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Motive (Waverly Beach Cozy Mystery #2) audiobook free
Occasionally, I enjoy a mystery, and this one was enough of the bad, but not too much. Been on this earth 66 years, and never would I kill someone, other than my military service. This guy was doing it for fun and money, it is sad that there are both people like him, and ones who would hire him. Liked the hope you Ned up feeling for the heroes
Review #2
Motive (Waverly Beach Cozy Mystery #2) audiobook streamming online
Book 2 of this series finds Jane Cho who runs a take-out food shop in Waverly and stumbling upon a dead body of Samantha Sellers, who runs the nearby bed and breakfast and has been threatening to take business away from Jane, along with her grandfather and her cousin David who you meet in book 1, and Sheriff Jake the investigations begins as to who murdered Samantha.
Review #3
Audiobook Motive (Waverly Beach Cozy Mystery #2) by Pamela Kelley
Love the characters and the mystery. The story keeps your attention and you cant wait to solve the mystery. Plus,you get to keep up with all the characters. A must read.
Review #4
Audio Motive (Waverly Beach Cozy Mystery #2) narrated by Erin deWard
This is the second book that I\’ve read Bye Pamela Kelly I really enjoyed her writing The it\’s intriguing Characters or well Developed In delightful I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a ood mystery with wonderful people and the endings are excellent also thank you again for very good read
Review #5
Free audio Motive (Waverly Beach Cozy Mystery #2) – in the audio player below
This was a really good book with a lot of the same characters as the first on Trust I enjoyed it.It had murder mystery and same gambling and maybe a love interest I read this book really quickly I think anyone will like it to.
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