The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test #3) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test #3) audiobook free
We start off with Kate still being imprisoned by Cronus and Calliope and is about to give birth to her child. Calliope wants to hurt Kate as badly as she has hurt her, so she wants to take what Kate holds most dear: Henry and their child. Meanwhile, Cronus wants to rule the world and kill all of the other gods on Olympus. Cronus definitely has a MAJOR god complex; he wants everyone to bow down to him, after all, he is the King of the Titans. Cronus has developed a special connection to Kate and therefore wants her to stay with him and be his queen. Kate agrees in order to protect her son, Henry and the rest of her family. A mother will do anything to protect her child even if it means making a deal with the devil. I absolutely love this book. I have been waiting for it for so long and when I finally got my hands on it, it was like little drops of heaven. I love the relationship between Kate and Henry and Kate and her mother. I also love how Kate and Henry bond over their son. Some people might think that Kate is naive but I don\’t think she is; when in a situation, she dealt with it the best that she could under the circumstances. Kate grew up human so that put her at a disadvantage sometimes but also at an advantage other times. She was able to think of a way to help her family when none of them could, to stop the war. She is a very strong character in her own way and I really like that; she fights for the things she wants and believes in. After reading The Goddess Legacy (The Goddess Test #2.5), I understand Calliope a lot more. I understand what drove her to be the way she is. Walter made a whole bunch of promises to her and he didn\’t keep the one she wanted the most: Fidelity. I think on some level every woman would have acted like she did in the beginning with her husband cheating all the time and treating her like one of his subjects instead of equals. In The Goddess Inheritance, even though Calliope was completely evil, I found myself feeling a little sorry for her. She just wanted someone to love her and treat her like the queen she is. The book was really easy to read. I was reminded of how much I liked the author\’s writing style. I love the world the author created; it is captivating, magical and full of love in the purest sense. I simply could not put the book down because I wanted to know what was going to happen. When I wasn\’t able to read, I was thinking about it constantly. It definitely will not disappoint. The ending of the series is bittersweet for me. I hope we see more of Aimee Carter soon, and I am so excited to read her next series.
Review #2
The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test #3) audiobook streamming online
Ok… So I was really looking forward to this book. I pre-ordered it and waited anxiously for its release date. I was so hopeful, especially after reading the ending to the prior book. But then I started reading and honestly all I can say is blah… I wanted love, action, adventure. After all, this was supposed to be a young adult conclusion to a love story, right? All I felt was a little let down – not all the way, just a little let down. Let me tell you a little bit about what I liked and didn\’t like. PROS: I loved Henry, but then again I have loved him all along. I would have done anything and everything for a husband like that. Someone that loves you so much, would do anything to keep you safe, would trade their life for yours… dreamy and romantic right there on the page every time he was mentioned. Obviously as a thirty something woman I was deeply moved by his actions and the idea of what he looked like, hahaha! I liked Cronus. I know, who likes the villain in these books, but really he as remarkably well written. I understood why he wanted his children to treat him like an equal instead of a criminal – when in fact he was far more powerful than any of them. I don\’t know, but as a villain he made sense. I liked Walter\’s ending… this is SPOILER so if you haven\’t read the book yet, please stop! Walter admitting his mistakes to Kate, and telling her he was doing everything for his children, made me understand him. He may have sent his beloved daughter to her death (though really, I am not sure that was totally his fault) and he may have left Kate alone to deal with her mother\’s death in the first book, but he was doing everything for the greater good, his children, his family. For some reason this ending made me understand Walter and it made me want to give him a hug. He may be a horrible father, but he is an amazing leader in the sense that the greater good takes precedence even over his own wants and loves. Now onto my CONS: I hate Kate. I know a lot of people have gone on and on in their reviews about how much of a martyr she is… and seriously, she is! When people tell you to stay put, don\’t think you know better! You probably don\’t! When you have a husband like Henry, who has been around for millennia and who has always sought to protect you, tell him your plans! Don\’t think you know better. Honestly I thought she was like nails on a chalk board and considering she is the mail character I almost quit reading the book in the middle. She was a disappointment. Her only redeeming quality was her son Milo and her niceness to Cronus. After that, she was a little bit of a letdown. Ava… Oh, I loved Ava in the first two books but in this one she was a little bit of a whiner. I mean seriously, you are working as a spy for the council. Don\’t start apologizing to Kate! Don\’t start asking to come back home! Be a goddess, be strong! Honestly, if she had just stopped apologizing I would have liked her. Overall those were my major pros and cons… I thought the storyline regarding Calliope was overdone, but it was what the whole story had been about, so i let that go. I also thought bringing Diana into it was a little unnecessary – she just made you realize how young Kate really was and I didn\’t think that needed to be pushed down our throats so often. And last I love James, but he didn\’t really get that much story so he kind of seemed like filler to otherwise blah story. Would I read this again? Absolutely! It was a good ending to a series, even with my blah review of it. And anytime I can read about Henry and his undying love I will. Would I recommend it to someone? Yes, but not as a standalone book. Read it as the ending of a series and you will like it much better. Would I buy it again? Yes. Again, good ending to a series and this series needed it!
Review #3
Audiobook The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test #3) by Aimée Carter
I really enjoyed how Aimee Carter has ended the series as she has Kate come up with unique ways of solving major problems that appear as well as confront her own internal turmoils as well as the character development that not only Kate and Herny go through in but the development that Cronus goes through as well. I thought that the sacrifices that happen are justified, although readers may or may not agree. My only complaint with it is that I would have liked to have seen an epilogue that tells the reader how everyone is doing years after the ending of the book, though the way it is now is very good. 10/10 would read again. *Would recommend that the reader read \”The Goddess Legacy\” to fully understand the backgrounds of the different characters so that their motives and actions in this book make more sense.*
Review #4
Audio The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test #3) narrated by Brittany Pressley
Finished it in about five hours with the Hugh cliff hanger left from the previous book the moment it arrived on my kindle I had to read it. I loved the goddess series is a fresh new story on a old myth. And Henry how could u not fall in love with him. In the books. Kate\’s got to make a choice in here baby or her family. It was frustrating watching Kate just sacrifice her self without discussing it with everyone else that\’s been her problem throw out the books and I hope with this new advent that\’s arrived that in the next book that James finds his true love and I think that might happen in the next book.. I wanted more from Henry wanted more emotion from him…..can\’t wait for more from miss Aimee Carter….. happy reading
Review #5
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Good book
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