Nov 28, 2021

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Horus was on another planet when he made the plan to overthrow the current ruler and form a new empire. Those who tried to stand against the agenda of the Warmaster were killed on the spot so for a long time the Emperor didn’t get the news of the treachery. Some loyal men who were bound to the Empire with heart and soul started their journey to the Emperor to provide him this big news.


The path of these loyal men was hindered by Horus but they finally reached the Emperor and now everyone knows about the hidden agenda of the Warmaster. Sides have already been chosen by different groups. Some of the Legions have accepted Horus as their new leader while the others are still bound to their old master. The champion will get chosen on the battlefield and till then both sides can just wait.

Ben Counter adds the Ultramarines in this eighth part of the series. The Ultramarines become the prime target of Horus on this occasion and he sends his biggest and strongest ship to destroy the Ultramarines. If the ship is not stopped in time then the Ultramarines and their planet would get destroyed within no time.


The forces of the Empire plan to intercept the ship on the way so that it can be stopped and destroyed before it reaches the target. If the fans have tasted Galaxy in Flames and Bloodquest: Prisoners of the Eye of Terror then they already know the flavor in which war is coming to their ears. Gareth Armstrong like always does not spoil the show rather he gives more positive vibes to it with the help of narration.

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