Nov 28, 2021

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The Crush audiobook

Hi, are you looking for The Crush audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

The Crush audiobook free

Dr. Rennie Newton, a skilled surgeon, is the foreman of the jury that acquits psychotic professional assassin Ricky Lozada of murder because of reasonable doubt. Unfortunately for Rennie, Lozada becomes infatuated with the pretty doctor during the trial and convinces himself that she returns his affections. So after his acquital Lozada decides to pursue a relationship with Rennie. He sends her flowers, stalks her, and goes so far as \”to do her the favor\” of murdering a rival doctor. Rennie becomes a suspect in the murder and Detective Oren Wesley – instead of doing any investigation whatsoever – starts a campaign of surveillance and harassment to convict Rennie. For assistance Oren calls in his suspended former partner, Detective Wick Threadgill. Here the book becomes a cliche romance novel. Wick (of course) is overwhelmingly attracted to Rennie who (of course) is a cold fish because of a difficult past. Lozada becomes enraged with Wick\’s attentions to Rennie and decides to take action. Though Brown is a skilled writer this is a completely predictable book with no surprises. In addition, the characters are not particularly likable. Wick is an an arrogant dude whose major goal is to have sex with Rennie; Oren is a lazy police officer who makes no attempt to find the real killer; and Rennie – though a little more sympathetic than the guys – is two-dimensional and hard to care about. If you\’re a hard core romance fan you might like this book. Otherwise, skip it.


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