Nov 28, 2021

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The Good Girls audiobook

Hi, are you looking for The Good Girls audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

The Good Girls audiobook free

Characters were almost too demension……….Interesting Claire\’s mom even though she was a lawyer their home was not \”decent\”. I enjoy ed the story. It was confusing to me when at the end the time line went back and forth to explain what happened.


Review #2

The Good Girls audiobook streamming online

The book was a fun easy read, I liked the characters and the underlying message. The only thing that made me give this four stars is that the author used throwing up a lot … like a lot a lot … it was used to describe how the characters were feeling in certain scenes. Im pretty sure it was mentioned in every chapter I felt like throwing up I wanted to throw up I felt the bile in my throat. Regardless I do recommend 🙂


Review #3

Audiobook The Good Girls by Claire Eliza Bartlett

This book was okay for me. It had some interesting working parts and had a cool way of narrating, but there were also some things I didnt enjoy. First, the mystery was pretty good. This book does a great job of making each character, big or small, seem suspicious. I was constantly trying to figure out what each person was hiding and what their endgame was. Murder-mysteries with so many questionable people are the best! I also really loved seeing how everything fit together. There was the crime of the past that was being related to the murder of the present. I loved seeing why each thing was mentioned and how each situation was relevant. This also went well with how the book was narrated. It went between 3rd person POVs of the main characters, but also seemed to have an unknown narrator telling a bit about other things happening. One thing that really affected my rating and enjoyment of this book was the beginning. It took me a little while to get into this book and to really get excited about the plot. I felt like there were interesting pieces, but they didnt come together and translate into an interesting book as whole until about halfway through. I wish I could have been pulled in sooner. Overall, there were many things that did and did not work for me in this book. The ending was wonderful and I wish that energy could have been felt throughout the entire book. Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


Review #4

Audio The Good Girls narrated by Andrew Eiden Hayden Bishop Hope Newhouse James Fouhey Lauren Ezzo Sarah Mollo-Christensen Tara Sands

A powerful novel, Bartlett will astound readers with The Good Girls, a story about assault and girls coming together to take their abuser down. Riveting Story The Good Girls follows the death and disappearance of Emma Baines. The power behind this story comes from the narrative and structure. The story breaks apart with police interviews before moving into the storytelling. This is where the reader gets to know the little town and the girls. It puts the story in perspective, and it rises to the occasion of the #MeToo movement, highlighting the injustice women continue to face. The girls are as different as they come, and they are treated differently in the town. Bartlett highlights how their gender is used against them by teachers, classmates, and law enforcement. It is powerful to see it playout for the reader. Bartlett has done something incredible with The Good Girls, creating this captivating narrative about the sexism and objectification girls face daily. In the police interviews, in subtle changes in body language, and the general treatment of the story, Bartlett shows the reader the difficulties women face when reporting an assault. Portrayed compellingly and realistically, the direction the story takes to unravel the mystery surrounding Emmas last days. The Good Girls never loses its momentum and pacing, building up the mystery as the reader tries to solve the death of Lizzy alongside Emma and the disappearance. There are many red herrings, and Bartlett does not give anything away until the end. Powerful Language Bartlett has this ability to use language and structure to her advantage. Bartlett puts so much behind subtle gestures and langue, showcasing those dynamics between those in power and the young girls. By going back and forth from police interviews, news articles, blog posts, diary entries, and third-person storytelling, Bartlett creates a mystery. More importantly, it flows. Fluidity is critical here because there are many elements. Not only are all the above used to build the story, but the story also switches between characters. There is a great scope to the storytelling, and it gives a voice to women everywhere. That makes this story so compelling, how it relates to readers, and highlights the most important fact: no one ever asks to be assaulted. Final Thoughts There is so much I want to say about The Good Girls, and yet I do not think I will ever be able to do it justice. The Good Girls is a powerful novel, one that needs to be read. Cleverly written and structured, giving power and a voice to anyone who needs the courage.


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