Dan Rather fought for the freedom of the press throughout his life; he appreciates the positive changes that have been brought in the field. People and high officials now respect the views of journalists and don’t turn against them all of a sudden. In the past, those on the high seats used to pressurize the press to write what they wanted. This act brought corruption to the department which was established to eradicate corruption from the root.
While narrating the book himself Dan Rather gets emotional and narrates some of the harsh realities that are attached to his personal life. Although many channels and newspapers are there in the world now and the press is considered an important and powerful tool but still on some stages it has to bow before the authority.

Dan narrates a few incidents of his career when he was thrown out of CBS because of the stories he came up with. Stories of Abu Ghraib jail and scandals associated with the most influential people of the time made him lose his job many times and his career was also always on the line. The author still tried to provide the public with the true insight which they rightly deserve to see.
The book is full of positive and negative elements like Dan Rather: Stories of a Lifetime but as compared to the previous book this book is more of a political nature. Dan openly talks about the issues on which he was forced to step down on most occasions. Being a true journalist at heart the man is not afraid to talk about all those issues which he faced during his struggling period.
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