The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive
Brain Christian has serious issues with the growing technology and the author does not want to stop the progress he just wants to adjust the direction a little bit. Previously Brain in the books like Algorithms to Live By and The Alignment Problem has talked about the human brain and computers in different ways. Now he brings more colors to his ideas through this book which he has tried to narrate with a different style.
Here once again like the other books the author takes the talk to the topic of Artificial Intelligence. He says that we are constantly trying to make computers better than us and they already know about humans more than we know each other. Whether it is through online information or anything that is broadcasted on the news, everything is in the mind of the computers and they can use it against us according to their own will.

It can become highly dangerous because they can find our weaknesses too in this way and other things that we wish to keep personal. The idea of this book came in the mind of the author when he heard a lot about the Turing Test. In a Turing Test, a computer is compared with a human being to check the class of its artificial intelligence.
The author does not limit his talk to this single purpose as he touches on different other points too related to this topic which makes it a must for those who believe in the world of computers. All the books were written and narrated by Brain do not go against the computer world rather the author wants to convey this message that humans should be the boss by all means.
The Most Human Human The Most Human Human The Most Human Human
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