Skipp Sudduth gets the honor this time to narrate the philosophies of the business genius i.e Donald Trump. After talking about business and visions in different books such as Trump Never Give Up and Why We Want You to Be Rich Trump comes to education.
For him, education is like the core thing in the success of a person. Without education, a person cannot flourish because he would not be able to realize what he wants with his life. Education is like the base of any building on which the whole thing stands and if it is weak then the building of success can collapse. From formal education, Trump very quickly comes to informal education as well which is gained through experiences in life. Failure could be a very good teacher if you don’t get pessimistic because of it.

The author says that he prefers writing short things like essays because they don’t waste time rather they convey the message of the author quickly. According to him, his essays are also a message to the common man that whatever they want to achieve they should give it some space in their mind first. If a person is too afraid to think of something then achieving it would always remain an impossible thing for him.
You should be proud of yourself and should always try to knit in your mind something special solely for yourself. Success is bound to come but after you have learned how to succeed and this learning comes after failures. Start thinking like a true champion after this book and maybe you too would end up in the parliament.
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