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Savage Burn (Savage Trilogy #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Savage Burn (Savage Trilogy #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.
Review #1
Savage Burn (Savage Trilogy #2) audiobook free
Unfortunately, I didn\’t read the reviews before purchasing this book. It ends in a massive cliffhanger – one minute you\’re in the middle of the action and the next \” THE END. . .FOR NOW\”. The author\’s notes at the end say \”Readers, Please, please, please don\’t hate me! I know this was a devil of a cliffhanger . . .\”. I don\’t hate her but won\’t be reading any more of her books – she has the next book scheduled for release in two months, I think she could have found a way not to end on a cliffhanger.
Review #2
Savage Burn (Savage Trilogy #2) audiobook in series Savage Series Walker Security
Any more all this author does is trilogies with cliffhangers. It wouldnt be so bad if each book was worth the wait and the cost but they arent. It seems like most of the book is spent re-hashing whats already been said. You can only say the same thing so many different ways before it just becomes noise. Im also sick to death of reading about the same basic characters over and over. All the men are depressing, brooding loners that are unworthy of the heroine (and I use that term very loosely), and the women are whiny, helpless criers that cant seem to make their mind up about being with the guy or not. Enough already! How about a few new characters instead of just renaming the old ones? I used to love this author but honestly shes just not worth the money or aggravation of waiting through 3 weak books that could have easily been 1 really good book.
Review #3
Audiobook Savage Burn (Savage Trilogy #2) by Lisa Renee Jones
I truly do not remember reading that this would be 3 books. It\’s so frustrating that a story that could end sooner should be dragged on. I do like the characters and the story but man I\’m so tired of reading how they don\’t deserve each other, how I\’m going to kill someone and why he was a killer in his past. It gets old fast! And yes, I\’m very upset it was a cliffhanger again plus I can\’t read it for weeks!
Review #4
Audio Savage Burn (Savage Trilogy #2) narrated by Jason Clarke Savannah Peachwood
FINALLY, us serious Lisa Renee Jones fans get to find out what makes Rick Savage tick! In the SAVAGE TRILOGY, the sarcastic, deadly, hulk of a security operative shows his soft center, one that\’s only exposed when he\’s back in the life of the only woman he\’s ever loved, Candace Marks, a General\’s daughter and architect who\’s engaged to a dangerous politician, hell bent on becoming the President of the United States. If you\’ve read many of LRJ\’s books, you\’ve most likely come across the funny, intelligent, Walker Security brute that is Rick Savage. I have to say that I\’ve been dying to find out what makes Savage Savage since the first time I read about him. Learning of the love he left behind, for her own protection, explains so much. Candace is his match in every way. She\’s tough, smart and beautiful and is the only one who can keep Savage in line. It takes the two of them working closely with Savage\’s Walker Security brothers to unravel and counter the plot Candaces fianc has hatched to become president while dealing with Savage\’s old boss\’ plot to have the fianc killed. All in all, this trilogy is a FANTASTIC read. Steel yourself for the cliffhangers at the end of the first two books but know that the wait for the next book is so worth it!
Review #5
Free audio Savage Burn (Savage Trilogy #2) – in the audio player below
Be prepared to get sucked into more of Rick Savage and Candance\’s story. Savage Burn is book 2 in the Savage Trilogy and I love what Lisa Renee Jones brings to this one. You get more of those twist and turns that are thrown Rick and Candace\’s way all the while trying to figure out what the true end game is and who is calling the shots. There is still red hot chemistry between Rick and Candance going on and I love them so much. Seriously how can you not when you read this series so far. I love how everything is unfolding so far and I for one can\’t wait to see where the Savage Trilogy ends up.
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