Melania and Me audiobook
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Review #1
Melania and Me audiobook free
I skipped the first 2 hours based on the first few negative reviews (likely Trumpers). She is engaging and her own life is fascinating. As soon as I get to the end, I am going back to the beginning. I wasn\’t planning on getting this one until Rachel Maddow had her on her show and we\’re discussing it. A \”friend\” of Melania held no credibility to me, but if Rachel Maddow thinks it is worth a read – I AM IN!! Nothing can compare to Mary Trump\’s smart Too Much and Never Enough, but this is still getting 5 ? from me.
Review #2
Melania and Me audiobook streamming online
This does support the books and stories about the trump family we’ve read so of the before. It also adds much new and first hand information. Very candid. Well worth the time and price. Recommend for everyone
Review #3
Audiobook Melania and Me by Stephanie Winston Wolkoff
Im happy I bought this book. It has been enlightening to say the least. I admit I was one of those people who read the stories about the Melania friend who pocketed 26 million from the inaugural and wondered if/when she would be brought to account for it. I used to often think poor melania, being in that family of snakes. But it turns out that she just may be the coldest snake of them all. As her jacket summed it up, she really just doesnt care. She\’s happy with her husband and excuses and accepts his abhorrent behaviour. The only redeeming thing I got from this book about her is that she loves her son. The book describes Ivanka and Jared as the manipulative people always working behind the scenes. With Ivanka ridiculously inserting herself anywhere, anyplace, at any event she could to cement her place of power right next to daddy, usurping her stepmother at any chance she could. There have not been many personal accounts of Melania Trump and this book is important in that we get a look at her from someone who has been close friends with her for many years. The author is just like all the others who orbit the Trumps, excusing and accepting of their behaviour while they are in favor and once thrown under the bus, seem surprised it happened to them. Trump once recited the song lyrics of Oscar Brown Jr called \”The Snake\”, I can think of nothing more than this to describe the entire Trump clan. Lyrics On her way to work one morning Down the path along side the lake A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew \”Poor thing, \” she cried, \”I\’ll take you in and I\’ll take care of you\” She wrapped him up all cozy, in a comforter of silk And laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk She hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived She found that pretty snake she\’d taken to, had been revived She clutched him to her bosom, \”You\’re so beautiful, \” she cried \”But if I hadn\’t brought you in by now you might have died\” She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight Instead of saying thanks, the snake gave her a vicious bite \”I saved you\” cried the woman \”And now your bite is poisonous and now I\’m going to die\” \”Oh shut up, silly woman\” said the reptile with a grin \”You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in\”
Review #4
Audio Melania and Me narrated by Stephanie Winston Wolkoff
A lot of additional facts about the characters and rivalries inside the East and West Wing of the Trump WH. Wolkoff is not at all how the NYT and Maggie Haberman portrayed her. She really is a victim…albeit a gullible victim of the whole Trump Family and cabal. What I found interesting was how experienced Wolkoff is, not the amateur \”event planner\” the media and the WH have portrayed her as, but rather a true professional having worked at Vogue doing all their major events like the MOMA, under Anna Wintour, for over a decade. The revelations about missing Trump inauguration funds is also at the heart of the book. A lot of surprises…and Wolkoff has the receipts! Worth it!
Review #5
Free audio Melania and Me – in the audio player below
The narrator author was easy to listen too. I’m returning it after an hour. If I wanted to listen to an autobiography of the author, I would have looked for one. Based on the hour of listening, I’m guessing the author needed to turn a one hour book, into an 11 hour book, to justify publishing it. The author apparently has a very inflated sense of self importance, believing the reader/ listener would be interested in her life.
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