Metal Mage 6 (Metal Mage #6) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Metal Mage 6 (Metal Mage #6) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Metal Mage 6 (Metal Mage #6) audiobook free
Book 6, introducing the planned upcoming government sanctioned group rape and forced impregnation of the new girl… Its interesting how angry I can become over an imaginary story. But HOLY SHIT I hate the elves… In my opinion, the series took a wrong turn when the train story took 2,5 books, and it just continued downhill from there. When the only likable character to appear in 3 books is the new love interest, it gets kind of stale. The only reason I continue listening is to hear the development of Mason\’s relationships with the girls. And as always, Christopher and Jessica preform wonderfully.
Review #2
Metal Mage 6 (Metal Mage #6) audiobook streamming online
Seriously I have purchased and listened to most of Eric Vall’s books and they’re usually awesome. However, had this been my first I would have probably never bought another. Six hours to design a vehicle that should just be shot and left for dead? Seriously it’sa Ford… time better spent would have been “I magic the hell out of it and then prayed I could find some duct tape to hold it together.” He didn’t spend that much time describing how he built Stan, Bobby, and Big Guy combined and I actually love those characters. Ok, so now that I, and hopefully Mr. Vall, have gotten that out of our system maybe we can get the next book in the series. I love the characters and plot line. I know it’s winding down and so far he’s had a great run with it and I have really enjoyed some of his other and newer series; I just hope he doesn’t just let this one die on the vine now that he’s gotten so close to finishing it.
Review #3
Audiobook Metal Mage 6 (Metal Mage #6) by Eric Vall
I love the Metal Mage series and this one was almost as good as the last one. We spend a lane more time with House Quin (sp?)and a couple of the other houses. Deia features pretty prominent in this book and we even get a glimpse of Rune Magic. If I have one complaint, it is that the Author dedicated a chunk of the book detailing the building of Mason!s latest creation and the book seemed to really drag in those parts. He made up for it with an intense foggy, but still, I feel like he could have just sped through a lot of the creation of the project and spent more time with Mason and the girls!
Review #4
Audio Metal Mage 6 (Metal Mage #6) narrated by Christopher Boucher Jessica Threet
deya soon to be goddess if she survived the fucking elves good thing she has mason
Review #5
Free audio Metal Mage 6 (Metal Mage #6) – in the audio player below
just keep getting better and better I cannot wait for the next book to come out
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