Summoner 4 (Summoner #4) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Summoner 4 (Summoner #4) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Summoner 4 (Summoner #4) audiobook free
Since there\’s no review for this Book yet I feel I\’m obligated to, because I have read the prior books of the series, and it has become one of my Fav book series out there. What I usually look for in a Book Series is Edge of your seat Action, Land Trotting Adventure, a True almost Unattainable Love Or a Scintillating sizzling Harem Romance ;P and finally Comedy so knee jerkingly funny you\’ll have co-workers looking at you weird for the random fits of Snorts or Giggles you let out XD Well look no further because Eric Vall\’s \”Summoner\” has it all and More! Follow the \”Country Hick\” Gryff in his adventures of becoming a top tier summoner, putting monsters and snarky arse nobles in there place, proving to everyone Summoners are not just a one trick pony in the military of magic vanguards.
Review #2
Summoner 4 (Summoner #4) audiobook streamming online
Story is ok, skipping the sex bits doesn\’t hurt the story – which is good. I think its weird the female characters, youth or adult, are fine with the MC shagging every warm and willing woman in sight… Most harem based story lines create some kind (albeit lame) pretext explaining the overwhelming attraction and mad dash to the sack, but not here. The MC has a \”meaningful\” conversation with one of his lovers, and a paragraph later he is welcoming the flirtations of his next… well, his next. This constant behavior 1) kills his credibility when he frequently explores his feelings for any of the female characters, 2) undermines the depth of any of these relationships, and 3) dilutes the span of villainy and heroism amongst the primary roles. I\’d like to see the MC grow the hell up and stop acting like a 14 year old who has just figured out the wonderous mechanics of intercourse. All that aside, I like where the creature connection is going! This will open up some new ground for storytelling.
Review #3
Audiobook Summoner 4 (Summoner #4) by Eric Vall
the reader is great. the story is amazing. the sex scenes are pointless and sound like the are written by someone else. like a 14 year old intern. I\’m fine with them as long as they are a part of the story, these do nothing for the story and break you away from it.
Review #4
Audio Summoner 4 (Summoner #4) narrated by Joshua Story
The Summoner series is amazing! Fully enjoy the story line and the charactor development! Keep up the great work Eruc Vall
Review #5
Free audio Summoner 4 (Summoner #4) – in the audio player below
The story just drags on and on and the characters just seem to be in awe of the lame protagonist that doesn\’t seem to really grow any. The first couple of books were decent, and the story was great but now it just seems to be dragging like it should have ended a book ago.
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