Summoner 8 (Summoner #8) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Summoner 8 (Summoner #8) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Summoner 8 (Summoner #8) audiobook free
excellent series! I very much enjoy the narrator and author. cant wait for the next one.
Review #2
Summoner 8 (Summoner #8) audiobook streamming online
I\’ve loved these books, but the main character\’s stupid decision making is extremely grating on my patience. he consistently makes basic decisions when controlling his monsters when he is capable of much more complex control. It honestly disappointing. One of his monsters increases the speed of whatever they touch, a tactic which he has used multiple times before. But when he comes across a situation where one of his monsters is too slow, he is often stumped on what to do. Nothing hurts a story worse for me than thinking the main character is inconsistent.
Review #3
Audiobook Summoner 8 (Summoner #8) by Eric Vall
Joshua Story is a great reader for the series, but between the author\’s need to describe every single one of Griff\’s monsters and those of the team he works with, there becomes a plateau of interest and a real irritation as the story becomes less magical. in my opinion, it sort of begins to feel less magical and more of a chore to plow through. the double line reading is also a bit distracting. other than that, I love the progression of the main character as he is on his way to discovering himself as well well as uncovering secrets about his origins.
Review #4
Audio Summoner 8 (Summoner #8) narrated by Joshua Story
ok first off im not downing the series but there is one thing that pisses me off about the whole thing, just one. Is Gryff supposed to be a moron?! I mean really?! I cant count how many time I\’ve yelled in response \”shut the fuck up Gryff\” in just one chapter. But beyond that fact pretty damn good book.
Review #5
Free audio Summoner 8 (Summoner #8) – in the audio player below
another great addition to the series hoping that it continues to be as good as the the previous all the way through. at the same time I would also like an end to come eventually.
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