A Gatlin Wedding audiobook
Hi, are you looking for A Gatlin Wedding audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
A Gatlin Wedding audiobook free
Totally enjoyable but with a bit less suspense than the preceeding books. I guess thats because it\’s a novella… I wish there was more Macon Ravenwood. He is totally DELICIOUS.
Review #2
A Gatlin Wedding audiobook streamming online
This chapter in the story leaves far more unanswered than answered. Some of the characters are not clearly good or evil, but like the rest of us, they walk the border.
Review #3
Audiobook A Gatlin Wedding by Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl
About the last full book, Dangerous Deception, I said, \”First, if you haven\’t read Dangerous Creatures recently, you might have to read it again–this book jumps right into the action with little back story. Second, it\’s repetitive. Too much \”I can\’t bear to be without her\”, Ridley in this case, from both the boys who love her. In fact, it should never have been a separate book but just edited severely and added to the end of the previous book. I read it all, just to find out what happens, but it\’s a real disappointment.\” The story of Ridley and Link seems to be taken up and moved along in this short story almost as an afterthought–does that mean there will be no sequel to Dangerous Deception? What\’s going on?
Review #4
Audio A Gatlin Wedding narrated by Kevin T. Collins
I love Kami Garcia\’s Beautiful Creatures series. I only wish there were more of them…
Review #5
Free audio A Gatlin Wedding – in the audio player below
A Gatlin Wedding is another in a string of satisfying novellas set in the caster universe, this time taking us to the summer after Ethan\’s second year of college and giving us a glimpse into the wedding of his father to his former English teacher. What I wasn\’t expecting from this novella, however, was the fact that the wedding is largely just a backdrop for the sequel to Dangerous Deception\’s cliffhanger ending and what seems to be an end to the Dangerous Creatures spinoff series. In that regard, things seemed unfortunately truncated and less than satisfying, with rushed bits of unexpectedly benign and glossed-over in-between backstory quickly jumping to a brief climax and overly convenient ending. I\’m not sure if the spinoff series didn\’t do as well and was prematurely cut short with the authors trying to provide closure in novella form in lieu of a proper finale or what, but the series\’ complex twists and characters really deserved, at the very least, another novel to continue its ideas and wrap things up. So, overall, things are a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, it\’s another solid visit to the characters we\’ve grown to love, complete with the requisite nostalgia, underlying messages, and emotions that drew me to the other Untold Stories novellas. On the other, the story happens to bookend what seems to be a less than satisfying few-chapter finale to the two book Dangerous Creatures spinoff series that, while at least giving some closure, certainly shouldn\’t have been relegated to \”untold story\” status.
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