A Throne for Sisters (A Throne for Sisters #1) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for A Throne for Sisters (A Throne for Sisters #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.
Review #1
A Throne for Sisters (A Throne for Sisters #1) audiobook free
I liked books 1 and 2 so well that I bought 3, 4, and 5. But I don’t think I’m going to pre-order #6. They are rip-snorting adventure tales, with some rather childish romantic threads woven in, and competently written, but…
First warning: These are not novels, they are sections of one huge novel. When you come to the end of the book you’re reading, nothing has been resolved, and it ends with a resounding cliffhanger. If that bothers you, best not to start.
Second warning: If, like many of us, current events and politics have you looking around you in horror and wondering when America turned into this nasty place, you might want to defer reading these to a more optimistic time. They are chock full of horrible people, and a whole culture which has descended into toxic dog-eat-dog narcissism, and the horrible people keep winning. It gets wearing — especially if you binge-read the series like I did.
It’s obvious (this is a fairy-tale kind of a saga) that the good people whose stories we follow are mostly going to come out okay, but that will probably be 20 books from now. I just can’t take this much awfulness in this unbroken a narrative arc — I’m giving up. But I am sad that I have to — in their own way, these have been fun.
Review #2
A Throne for Sisters (A Throne for Sisters #1) audiobook streamming online
This book has the building blocks of a great story, even a great series. But she crams an unrealistic timeline into her pages with a crowbar. There is no savoring of a story or characters. There’s not enough development of personalities or background to endear it all to you. The story was interesting enough to finish the book, but it leaves me sad for the trite nature of her writing. And I’m a bit insulted that she’s not willing to actually share this world and it’s characters with me fully.
This book is suited for a young person new to the world of fantasy novels. I appreciate that it’s PG and not R. So your daughters will likely love this. But truly not for a mature reader. Sad, because it could have been fantastic, like Sword of Truth fantastic. But it’s not.
Review #3
Audiobook A Throne for Sisters (A Throne for Sisters #1) by Morgan Rice
I just can’t care for theft, lying, cheating and sleeping the way to where they want to be. Worse was the sad ending just as I was starting to care for the sisters.
Review #4
Audio A Throne for Sisters (A Throne for Sisters #1) narrated by Wayne Farrell
Well, this was interesting… I don’t know how exactly to feel about this book, to be honest. This was not at all what I had expected from the synopsis and the cover. The book cover is beautiful and hints at something a lot more than what I found.
This follows the story of two sisters who have an incredible gift to read minds and communicate with each other telepathically, and the journey they each take towards their dream lives. But, for being close as they presume to be, they split up almost without any real thought for the other and their ‘closeness’ seems more like an afterthought because of this.
Sophia is the older sister, 17 years old, she is sweet, naive, helpless, and wanting a man to take care of and save her. I was mostly irritated by her part of the plot, it was just so filled with the horrible tropes that grate on nerves, like a poor orphan girl who infiltrates the castle and instantly falls for the handsome prince… I mean, why?
Then there’s Kate, 15 years old; now here’s a character I can get behind. She is way more grown-up for her age, strong-willed, brave and practical. Her insta-love is not as obvious and can be overlooked as she is not only focused on that aspect of her life.
The world-building is definitely lacking, we barely learn about the world and the war and the religion, which seems to be a major part of the story and gets hinted at often.
Also, these characters need a lot of growing to keep me interested, especially Sophia, she needs a backbone and to stop wanting a man to save her… Sheesh!
I would be interested in picking up the second book, purely to see where the story goes and if we get answers to so many open plot-points and roads not taken. So, we’ll see… The potential is definitely there for this to be an incredible series, but…
Review #5
Free audio A Throne for Sisters (A Throne for Sisters #1) – in the audio player below
I am kind of on the fence about this one. There were points of the story that really had me interested and clinging to the story, but other times I was so bored I wanted skip through them. One of the things I think I had a problem with was there was mention of the girls having a telekinetic powers but it’s not used very often throughout the book. I thought it would be a bigger aspect of the story which it wasn’t and that led to me feeling let down as far as the story went.
I didn’t really care about the characters the seems one-dimensional and flat. For a little while the one sister who’s trying to be in the Royal Court was interesting as she was trying to learn the ways and how to act this lady of the Court but then that slowly started to get boring as well now.
Now the ending was a little interesting and set the stage for another book and it is because of the ending that makes me want to read the next book in the series. I think this novel spent a lot of time trying to build up something bigger for the next novel. It leaves some questions unanswered and introduces something that is rather interesting and I’m intrigued by where the story is going to go next for the two sisters.
Would I recommend the novel probably there were a lot of aspects of the story that was interesting and did hold my attention until the end. There were just some things that seem to have fallen flat for me while I was reading it. So pick it up give it a chance and see how you feel about it and let me know.
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