Alien Gladiator’s Mate audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Alien Gladiator’s Mate audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Alien Gladiator’s Mate audiobook free
The battle was underway and the shocktroopers stormed into the enemy ship. There were many casualties, but they pushed forward under the commander’s leadership. They made it at last to the bridge and captured the enemy captain who was trembling in fear. When they got the captain to answer their questions, he said their own government had sent him against them because the officials thought they were harboring rebels. Worse yet, this enemy ship was actually being used as a distraction so that three villages could be burned while the troops were occupied fighting elsewhere! Gar’zul‘s family and those of his warriors – their wives and children — lived in one of the destroyed villages. The enemy captain reported that there were no survivors. At that devastating news, Gar’zul‘s second-in-command shot the captain in the head. With their homes and family gone, and their government corrupt, they burned their own ship to make it look like they had all died. Then they took the enemy ship to a neutral planet to start a new life. What will the future hold for them all now? Will Gar’zul take this opportunity to start over? I had lots of trouble getting into this book from the start. The dialog didn’t flow well, and some of it seemed immature, like it came from school kids roughhousing in the gym! The cowardly captain didn’t seem realistic to me either. With his rank and position, I would expect a much more dignified and worthy enemy. I felt no sympathy when he was killed. The lack of character development prevented me from connecting to any of the characters, or from even liking any of them! The author has written other books that I did enjoy, but this one just didn’t connect with me.
Review #2
Alien Gladiator’s Mate audiobook in series Royally Blue
Gar\’zul is a warrior and he and his men are on a mission to take out rebels. When they finally get to the command center they discover this fight was staged to get him and his men away from their territory where their cities are razed down to the ground with no survivors.He and his friends stage their death then take the rebel ship and leave. Three years later , he is a gladiator in the arena. His boss suggests he take a wife. Meanwhile on Earth, Carinna works in the water mines. She has done since a little child and when her mother tries to get them out she is shot as well as her father. Then an edict comes down that any female who signs up for the Celestial Mates Agency will be freed. So she signs and goes off to another planet. On the way it\’s discovered that her friend,Marco, stowed away but before he\’s killed he\’s bought as a slave. On the planet she meets Gar\”zul and it takes weeks before they come to an understanding. She starts to like him. Then an assassin is sent to kill her and her activities of visiting her friend, Marco, at the arena is made public. Now she needs to figure out how to make Gar\’zul understand and save Marco at the same time. Excitement that keeps you glued to the story till the last page.
Review #3
Audiobook Alien Gladiator’s Mate by Zara Zenia
I love the Celestial Mates line, but this author\’s work should never be part of it. I\’ve reviewed this author a number of times and typically avoid anything they write. Somehow this story slipped through and here we are. I stopped right after the H and h began arguing about cleaning and food. What? The writing is dreadful. The characters and their behavior change from page to page for no apparent reason. The story suddenly veers into a kind of dominance on the H part, but not in a sexy or satisfying way. It\’s like porn, but in no way titillating. This \”author\” really needs some help. I\’ll be more careful to avoid anything written by them.
Review #4
Audio Alien Gladiator’s Mate narrated by Yvonne Syn
Starts off depressing and confusing then becomes dumb and juvenile and never improves. No plot, no character development – waste of money. Really doesn’t tie at all to Celestial Mates stories.
Review #5
Free audio Alien Gladiator’s Mate – in the audio player below
Another book in the Celestial Mates series and I enjoyed reading this one, it was a little bit different than the other books in this series and I feel this is what draws me into reading each book. It is Carina and Gar’zul \’s I found myself laughing as these two tried to make their lives work.I am now going to see if there is a new book out in this series.
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