All I Ask audiobook
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Review #1
All I Ask audiobook free
I never thought I would be that person to say this, but I do NOT understand how this has so many good reviews! I absolutely love Corinne Michaels and I have read and/or listened to every single book she\’s written and they are all fantastic. Except this one. SPOILERS: Teagan was so whiney and \”poor me\” I almost stopped listening 30 minutes in. Every other female character in Corinne Michaels\’ books have been strong and independent and fierce. Teagan just seemed so weak and took on the victim role, which I am not a fan of. I thought I would love this book since the whole \”friends to lovers\” scenario was somewhat similar to my own. However, the fact that she didn\’t have the courage to tell Derek how she felt before he got married was weak. The fact that she didn\’t fight for him when he said he never wanted to speak to her again was weak. The way that she let Keith dictate her relationship with Chastity (terrible name) was weak. I would never want my parents or town to see a sex tape of me, but I would also never let that rule my life. The way all she did was complain about being stuck in a small town living in her parents\’ small studio and working for her parents\’ store was weak. The way she got angry at Chastity for sharing her paintings on social media was unbelievable. And her wanting to end things with the \”man of her dreams\” because she would have to leave him to move from Virginia to Florida for a year was just dumb. I\’m sorry. Corinne\’s first stories we\’re about men in the army who left thier significant others for long periods of time! Hell I moved away from my husband for 4 years to attend graduate school and we survived, along with many other couples I know. If someone is truly your soul mate, being a few hours apart and living separate for a year is not a deal breaker. I just expected a lot more considering how much I loved Corinne\’s other books. I would not recommend this book at all.
Review #2
All I Ask audiobook streamming online
This is the second book of Corinne Michaels that I’ve disliked. I recently finished the second book in the Arrowood Brother series and as in this book the female lead was weak, annoying and whinny. Teagan is a grown woman who whines about her life because she never had the guts to tell Derek, her best friend, that she loves him. She’s angry at him that he chose his wife and family over her. She lets her prick of an ex-Keith, her daughter’s father, walk all over her and then whines about it. Derek is no better because he also never had the guts to tell Teagan how he feels about her. They both actually can’t fathom why their significant others can’t understand their friendship and let it be. Could it be because everyone could see you were in lover with each other except for the two of you? This goes on for 31 out of 41 chapters. Derek and Teagan’s teenage daughters are rude and talk back to their parents like they are speaking to their friends and both of the parents allow it. No 13 year old should be allowed to speak to their parents the way they do and go without consequences. Chapter 3 begins at 14:32 in Chapter 2 then it begins again at the beginning of Chapter 3. It’s like no one listened to the audio before it was released. The narration was also off. I can’t imagine it was the narrators because I’ve heard both of them before and they know how to narrate they are not newbies. In the story you can’t tell if the character is having an internal dialogue or speaking out loud. Sometimes they are talking to themselves and other times they are speaking to another character. At least at the end of Fight for Me the characters redeemed themselves and discovered their backbones but this book did not have that saving grace. Teagan gets what she had hoped for and still whined about it. I agree with the other low rated reviews I wanted to stop listening to this book 30-minutes in but I thought it would get better. I’m not sure what’s happening with the authors that her female leads are becoming whinny, annoying, pathetic women that you hope will go away instead of getting what they want. This book made me feel sorry for Meghan, Derek’s wife, instead of Teagan. I was so disappointed in this book that I returned it. Corinne Michael’s is on my favorite author’s list but her last two outings have made me consider putting her on my second string list of authors. I don’t expect every book to be a home run but it’s like her editor is not saying hold-up why do I want to slap the heroine instead of root for her? Because someone should’ve posed that question to the author.
Review #3
Audiobook All I Ask by Corinne Michaels
I loved it all. This was hands down one of the best listens of the year.
Review #4
Audio All I Ask narrated by Savannah Peachwood Teddy Hamilton
love Corrine\’s books. did not like Savannah\’s performance. it was hard to follow along with character\’s thoughts versus real conversations.
Review #5
Free audio All I Ask – in the audio player below
I’ve read every book written by Corinne. I can say I’ve again been pleasantly pleased. All the way through the characters had me rooting for them. Not overly happy but did have a nice ending.
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