Oct 13, 2022

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Ask Me Nicely audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Ask Me Nicely audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Ask Me Nicely audiobook free

“There was something very broken about Sal Kennedy.”

THE STORY: Sally Kennedy is a veterinarian who has a series of men that she has sex with only once and then discards. She is living the only way she knows after a horrific accident where she lost everything. Her current roommate, Doyle Jackson, is a temporary employee in her office. The two have a platonic relationship, but the sparks between the two have been evident from the beginning. One drunken night for Sal changes their relationship as Doyle is determined to win Sal’s affection and make her see him not as an employee or platonic roommate and not as a one night sex buddy, but as someone to have a relationship with.

OPINION: I loved this book because of Doyle. Sal is really messed up but Doyle is willing to wait for her to recognize that there can be something between them. Once Sal gives him an opening, Doyle is willing to be patient and show Sal that he is interested in the person that she hides behind her shields. He is incredibly masculine and demands that Sal see him as a strong man and not someone that she can manipulate in order to hide her true self.

I liked how the two have a non-traditional dating relationship that Sal resists even as Doyle finds ways to breach her defenses. I didn’t have any expectations of this book as I read it on the recommendation of someone else, and I really liked the slow building relationship between Sal and Doyle even as they had very hot sexual encounters. It felt real and painful and ultimately made me smile.

WORTH MENTIONING: This book is about grief. Sal’s version of grief is dark and self-destructive but allows her to get out of bed in the morning when she might otherwise not.

FINAL DECISION: I really liked this book because of Doyle. He is a wonderful guy who is sweet and understanding and willing to stand by Sal even as she is defensive and broken. He made this book.

CONNECTED BOOKS: This book is connected to NO MORE MR. NICE GUY but can be read as a standalone. I haven’t read the first book and missed nothing.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.


Review #2

Ask Me Nicely audiobook in series Naughty or Nice

I loved this book and especially the heroine and the way she dealt with her heart ache. Most romances seem to have semi-virginal heroines and I really enjoyed reading about a woman who took what was offered, sexually.

The reason for her love-them-and-leave-them attitude was heartbreaking but dealt with perfectly. We were told bits and pieces – enough to know what was going on – and when we (and the hero) were told the whole story, I almost cried.

A new author to me. I seem to have a thing for Aussie authors and I’m certainly going to buy more books by Amy Andrews.


Review #3

Audiobook Ask Me Nicely by Amy Andrews

I loved reading Ask Me Nicely (Entangled Brazen) (Naughty or Nice), all about Sally Kennedy the vet & Doyle Jackson the temporary vet whose filling in for a few months. Sally is attracted to Doyle but won’t allow herself to let him know. You see six years ago she lost her husband Ben & unborn eight month old baby girl Zelda in a horrific car accident! She’s functioning better now, but she’s starting to have feelings and she can’t ever live thru another tragedy again. The author wrote an amazing emotional story, and the characters absolutely make the story come to life! Read this book and follow Doyle & Sal around and see what happens! It will make you laugh, cry, sigh, shake your head and cum up a storm! Enjoy reading this book, because I certainly enjoyed reading it!


Review #4

Audio Ask Me Nicely narrated by Nina Archer

Sal (Sally) and Doyle were worth the all-nighter read!

It takes courage to be happy and sometimes we just are not ready to give up an old lover,,,heartbreak. Happiness ain’t for sissies especially when love keeps pursuing you in the form of sexy Hunk-A-Man vet Doyle…Ouch!!!

But, when love is meant to be in your life, there’s only one thing you can do about it; succumb!

I also enjoyed the supporting characters–pets and their pet parents.

A lot of the F-bombs were jarring because they were unnecessary . The banter between Sal and Doyle was fun, believable, and logical. I enjoyed reading their sexplay because, for the most part, it was descriptive without being crudely graphic.


Review #5

Free audio Ask Me Nicely – in the audio player below

I loved Doyle’s determination were Sal is concern. Sal has a tough pass to over come and lots of what goes on around her are triggers. She is not looking for anything long lasting anymore when her forever was ripped away from her years ago. Doyle is the perfect person for the person Sal is today. Together they were very steamy too. Definitely enjoyed reading this book. Gave me a whole new appreciation for cotton candy too. Hahaha

(ARC in exchange for a honest review from Entangled Publishing)


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  • 06. Ask-Me-Nicely-Naughty-Or-Nice-2-004 1:13:3

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