Badd to the Bone (Badd Brothers #3) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Badd to the Bone (Badd Brothers #3) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Badd to the Bone (Badd Brothers #3) audiobook free
So… I\’ve read Jasinda Wilder before, including the first two books in this series and really enjoyed both of them. This book was just blah. Brock had the capacity to be the best hero of the Badd Brothers and I did enjoy him and his story line. But, Claire. Puh-lease. Being a stone cold bitch myself, I am quite familiar with the idea. However, her inner dialogue was painful. Did she love Brock? Oh yes, she loved having sex with Brock but was it too vanilla? And these thoughts playing over and over until I just didn\’t care. I didn\’t care if she ended up with Brock and I didn\’t care about her family drama. Yes, it worked out in the end and she had her a-ha moment. By the time this amazing transformation happened, I was so disinterested in her and her outcome. I just could not work up the energy to care. I loved Brock and I honestly thought that he deserved a better story.
Review #2
Badd to the Bone (Badd Brothers #3) audiobook streamming online
Badd To The Bone by Jasinda Wilder is the third book in the Badd Brothers series. This book is quite different from the two previous Badd Brothers books. First of all, most of the story takes place outside of Ketchikan, Alaska. There is very little of the Badd Brothers and their family dynamics in this book. In fact, Badd To The Bone is not really a Badd Brothers story even though Brock Badd is the hero. This is Claire Collins story and it\’s a doozy. I have gone back and forth on how to rate this book. I have deleted several drafts of this review. I have struggled with my reactions to this book because it was not one of my favorite Jasinda Wilder books. I honestly did not like the heroine Claire Collins. Although the Badd Brothers series is more in the erotic romance genre, there was almost too much sex. At times I felt like the sex was overshadowing the story and it started to get too predictable and a bit boring. In many ways Brock Badd seemed like a sexual puppet dancing to Claire Collins whims. Usually at this point I put the book down or start skimming to the end. What held me back from doing so was my faith in Jasinda Wilder as a writer. I knew she had more to tell the readers. There was more to Claire than her nympho tendencies and kinky fantasies. There was something hiding beneath the surface, something bigger than her daddy issues and relationship issues. As the story unfolded and revelations about Claire\’s past come to light, it is only the beginning of Claire\’s journey. A very broken woman striving to piece herself back together one tear drop at a time. It takes courage to face the demons that haunt your soul. It takes even more courage to put them to rest and take that first step towards a healthy future. I admired how Brock Badd was willing to fight for the woman he loved. He knew he couldn\’t fix her but he could hold her together when all the pieces of her soul were shattering beyond her control. He gave her the courage to finally heal. This is why I gave this book 5 Stars. Jasinda Wilder took a very harsh character on an emotional journey that brought her the right kind love in the end. I am looking forward to heading back to Ketchikan, Alaska for more Badd Brothers romantic adventures.
Review #3
Audiobook Badd to the Bone (Badd Brothers #3) by Jasinda Wilder
What can I say about Badd to the Bone, except not only was it an amazing read, it was like Jasinda found a journal from my life and it was a play by play. Brock Badd, a stunt pilot, sweet, caring and let us not leave out FREAKINIG HOT! Back in Alaska because he had to for Bast, his brother, they had all come home to honor the last wishes of their father. There wasn’t even a choice to be made, he would go back and take care of what needed to be done along with his other brothers. He didn’t think that he would find the woman of his dreams in Ketchikan, never thought that his world would be turned upside down. Claire Collins, what a hot mess she is; but it was almost like looking into the looking glass. Head strong and determined she was not going to let anyone hurt her ever again. Ex Army and full of anger and daddy issues, she met Brock, and thought that it would be like every other man she allowed in her life. Little did she know that her life was about to go on a trip she wasn’t prepared for. This book brought tears to my eyes more than once. It cuts deep down inside and takes a ride on the emotions and you can’t help but love these two. You want to scream at Claire and tell her to snap out of it. Her issues with men run deep; the control her in most of her every day happenings. As she struggles with the turmoil that rages inside of her, she wants to trust in Brock, she wants to open up to the feelings that she has for him, but what is it going to cost her? Brock pushes Claire to deal with her issues; he knows that he must because he can’t lose this woman. He must convince her that they belong together. He has never met a woman like Claire and he knows she is the one for him. She brings things out in him that he would have sworn died a long time ago. He never knew a love like this.
Review #4
Audio Badd to the Bone (Badd Brothers #3) narrated by Summer Roberts Tyler Donne
After reading the reviews, I thought about skipping this and going to book 4. But I loved the first two books and wanted to make sure I didn\’t miss any back story so I read it anyway. Brock & Claire\’s story isn\’t awful, but it wasn\’t my favorite. Claire isn\’t a total bitch, like I gathered from some reviews, but she has a lot of growing up to do. Brock is a saint, working through everything with her. She finally gets her head on straight, but it takes some time for that to happen. I don\’t regret this one, but I think it would\’ve been better with more Badd brother influence. Now, that epilogue leading into book 4 featuring Bax and Eva…that sounds really promising. Happily moving forward to book 4.
Review #5
Free audio Badd to the Bone (Badd Brothers #3) – in the audio player below
So this book is a departure from the others in the series. Although there is a Badd Brother, this book is predominantly about Claire, an emotionally damaged woman who degrades and demeans herself because of her past. She claims to be an independent woman but the true meaning has become distorted over time. An independent woman is confident and assertive enough to know when to ask for help and she doesn\’t. I understand when people are \’suffering\’ they tend to focus on themselves. However, Claire takes this to a whole new level of selfishness, never once asking about Brock\’s feelings. This gives her an unlikeable quality so my sympathy for her is somewhat reduced. Brock is sweet, kind and generous, so much so that half way through the book I wanted to shake him, slap him and tell him to man the hell up. Prepare yourself, as this book does have a load of psyco-babble and if you ain\’t into it you will get bored. I like psychology and I got bored. There is only so much navel-gazing that one can take. It\’s a good book but not one of her best. Enjoy peeps ?
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