Burying Water (Burying Water #1) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Burying Water (Burying Water #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Burying Water (Burying Water #1) audiobook free
This was so GOOOD. This is only my second series by this author that I’ve started reading and I love it so much. I’m really glad I came across her books, they really are addicting. Burying Water is about Alex and Jesse Alexandria aka Alex aka Water, a girl who was badly beaten and severely hurt and left for dead off of an old road in the snow. Surprisingly and shockingly she actually survives but when she wakes up, she’s in a hospital with the memory of her life and name completely gone and now has amnesia due to the trauma she went through. “What if all those little bits that make up me get lost, overshadowed by one dark memory? My last memory, the one that made me want to forget everything else in the first place. Will I be able to escape the kind of damage that experience can cause?” Jesse is the son of Mrs. Welles and Dr that saved Alex’s life. I loved the different POV between Jesse and Alex. His in the past and hers now in the present day. All the characters in the book were really special to. They also made the book what it was. “He said the truth is like that water: it doesn’t matter how hard you try to bury it; it’ll always find some way back to the surface. It’s resilient.” “You have a lovely night, Water.” “You too. And I hope you get some sleep tonight.” I begin taking steps but then hesitate. As pleasant as tonight was, Meredith’s earlier words still linger in the recesses of my mind, her own silent struggle weighing on me. “For what it’s worth . . . you saved me. You may not be able to save everyone. But I’m standing here because of you.” A tear slips from her eye. “You saved yourself, Water. With your strength and your determination. You are such a strong girl.” With a slight nod of good night, I walk toward the only other place I want to be.” I can’t say much more than that without giving it all away, except that it really is that good, and I’m still new to this author, but I know that if you haven’t read this book and do check it out you will be hooked right from the beginning just like me. I was on the edge the whole time while reading this book, page after page. It’s full of heartbreak, suspense, intense feelings and of course 100% worth it. “The mind, it can be a deceitful thing. But it is no match for the heart.”
Review #2
Burying Water (Burying Water #1) audiobook streamming online
I\’m completely shocked by the fact that I did not pick this book up sooner, and although I don\’t regret reading Chasing River first (because it made me fall in love with K.A. Tucker\’s tremendous writing), I wish I had read this first before I picked up the third book. And let me tell you, Burying Water left me speechless (or screaming “yooooooo!” probably 99.9% of the time. Let’s leave the 0.1% alone for the sake of my sanity). Now, I always tend to stay away from amnesia stories because they break my heart most of the time. Imagine being with someone, then next thing you know, something tragic happens and then they don’t have any memory of you anymore? Good lord, do you hear that? That’s the sound of my heart shattering to billions of pieces. But because I’ve been so intrigued by this series, I needed to step out of my comfort zone and pick it up, because hello, I’m definitely not going to miss a K.A. Tucker book. Step aside, Nicholas Sparks. There’s a new player in town. Nicholas Sparks’ books may have been amazing as they’re similar to dramatic Lifetime movies, particularly the classics he’s written that have been turned into exceptional movies that definitely tore everyone’s hearts out; a.k.a. The Notebook and A Walk to Remember. However, in my honest opinion, his newest works don’t capture my heart as it used to before. K.A. Tucker’s style falls in the same category: the dramatic lifetime movie style filled with intense, raw and unapologetically unrefined stories, with a great amount of suspense on the side. There’s no dilly-dallying in Tucker’s writing style—exceptional, straightforward and eye-opening, and although [she] doesn’t go extreme lengths to the point of explicitness; sugarcoating is definitely not in her vocabulary. \”The mind, it can be a deceitful thing. But it is no match for the heart.\” Her characters are painfully realistic, from the main to the secondary characters. Each and every significant character mentioned will surely give you an emotional reaction. Burying Water is told in alternating POVs between Jesse and our ‘Jane Doe’ (Water), with mixes of flashback and present day chapters (just like in Bad Romeo by Leisa Rayven), which gives us the opportunity to explore not only the two main characters, but also various sides of the plot. Water’s character (pre-amnesia as ‘Alex’ and during) ignited so much feelings. She’s a smart woman who had hailed from an unfortunate childhood with dreams of a brighter future, but a wrong decision has led her to a disastrous marriage. After the tragic accident that resulted to her memory loss, Water didn’t wallow in a self-pity and continued to stay strong for her own sake. On the other hand, Jesse, our hero, is a character you’d definitely feel for. He’s a misunderstood young man who’s made wrong choices in life as the black sheep son of the town sheriff, but seeing him go through the tremendous heartbreak just broke me. He was a total sweetheart whom will make you swoon. K.A. Tucker’s take on their relationship was fantastic and beautifully written; both past and present, and bloomed wonderfully, despite how it seemed abrupt in the beginning. Jesse and Water had so much chemistry together, even in her “new” life. It’s passionate and intense, with hints of suspense, in either timeline which will keep you on the edge of your seat as your read on. “The truth is like that water: it doesn’t matter how hard you try to bury it; it’ll always find some way back to the surface.” Burying Water has captured my heart in many ways and every turn of a page packed an emotional punch and will render you speechless, and none of those cliché bullcrap that will make you hurt your eyes from all the rolling. If you haven’t tried anything from K.A. Tucker, I suggest you give this series a go. But let me warn you, again, this is no cliché novel and if that’s what you’re looking for, then I suggest you move on because you won’t find that here. However, if you’re willing to step out of your cliché romance comfort zone, let this series be the first on your list.
Review #3
Audiobook Burying Water (Burying Water #1) by K.A. Tucker
5 of 5 INTENSE! An absolutely captivating book that I could not put down. Oh my heart! This book is everything. Love, loss, heartbreak, heartwarming and hope all bundled together to make a story that will make you think days after reading. K. A Tucker knows exactly how to craft a story that is complex yet flows effortlessly, making an emotional impact on the reader. Just WOW. What really makes this story work is the detailed backstories in juxtaposition with the current story line moving forward. K. A. Tucker uses flashbacks and alternating chapters for the two main characters in a way that makes sense and doesn’t make the story confusing. It adds all the information needed for the reader to follow along while creating suspense and mystery. Water is a complex and well developed character that is relatable, although her situation is extreme. She is smart and sweet, making it very easy to like her. I was rooting for her in the very beginning and to the very end. She has to overcome some extremely difficult circumstances/situations, grow as a person and learn from her past…and she does! How inspiring! This book was a great read – hard at times to read but overall worth every second. Check it out. I can’t wait to read even more K. A. Tucker. She made me a fan in Ten Tiny Breaths and continues to do so in her extraordinary writings.
Review #4
Audio Burying Water (Burying Water #1) narrated by Elizabeth Louise Josh Goodman
K.A. Tucker is a new author to me and after reading the blurb I wasn\’t sure what to expect. This intrigued me from page one and was a gripping storyline. I loved the character\’s and the twists and turns on the journey with them. I enjoyed the writing style and it flowed easily.
Review #5
Free audio Burying Water (Burying Water #1) – in the audio player below
I loved this story. Don\’t be put off by the price. This book is worth every penny. It is told from dual points of view in both past and present tense, which is written really well and so is not confusing. Great characters. I would 100% recommend.
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