Catastrophe Queen audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Catastrophe Queen audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Catastrophe Queen audiobook free
This book was cute and sweet and funny but that\’s really all it was. If your looking for a quick read with zero angst or drama or literally any kinda of antagonist then this is for you. I really enjoyed it at first but as soon as it felt like the ball was really rolling it literally just ended. And there were quite a few editing errors, that\’s usually not a problem for me but this book had them all over the place. To the point where some sentences barely even made sense. I\’m usually a fan or emma hart and this book had a really great quirky lighthearted feel, but for me it just totally missed the mark.
Review #2
Catastrophe Queen audiobook streamming online
So I\’ll start by saying this book was good. This concept and plot were good I could have done without the grammar errors for the price of the book. That being said I loved Mal, she was quirky and fun and she owned it. Cameron was Great as well. The book did feel kinda rushed after about half way through. The first half was flirting and a will they wont they type of office romance but once you got to a certain point it felt rushed like not enough was put into the relationship itself and kinda just jumped from them not being together to a HFN ending. So besides that and the spelling and grammar all in all it was an ok read.
Review #3
Audiobook Catastrophe Queen by Emma Hart
This was exactly the book that I needed this week! It has been so stressful and I needed to laugh so freaking hard that I cried!! This book had characters that were opinionated, weird, unique, sweet and rich with a heart. I could relate so much to Mallory. I have done some of things she\’s done, mostly the falling and dumping things on me. I\’m a klutz and proud of it lol. She is a straight up honest and feisty character. She knows what she is and owns it. The only thing she probably don\’t own is her crazy wacky relatives who are staying with her parents. There\’s a lot of alcohol flowing in this book and before you say that\’s not cool, it was definitely needed. These relatives just said whatever was on their minds and didn\’t care what you thought of it. Mallory got time away from them and that was with her job. Working for Cameron Reid was interesting to say the least. She had to hide her attraction for him and simply do her job. She actually surprised me and did really well on it despite spilling coffee a lot and tripping on the stairs. I liked how we got her and Cameron\’s point of views and got to spend time getting to know their families. These two are very low key and sweet together. They know to have fun and laugh. Mallory has bite and she isn\’t afraid to use it. I loved every minute of this book and will definitely be reading it again and again!!!
Review #4
Audio Catastrophe Queen narrated by Brian Pallino Samantha Brentmoor
Heh. I have to say Mallory\’s not a complete disaster, but accidents do seem to follow her around. The type of accidents where she trips over thin air or spills an entire cup of coffee across a desk or ends up in the emergency room after a date. Fortunately for her, Cameron doesn\’t mind her clumsiness (or moments of daydreaming that cause her to wander into traffic) and rolls with the catastrophic punches. So to speak. What I\’m trying to say is that, yes, Mallory is sort of a walking disaster, but she\’s a FUN walking disaster. She\’s also pretty darn good at her new job. Sure, sure, she gets a teeny bit distracted by her hot boss, but who wouldn\’t? Since Cameron\’s a little distracted by her, it works out nicely. But before they can be distracted together, they have to work through the pros and cons of whether inter-office dating is a thing they want to indulge in. (Spoiler: They definitely WANT to indulge, they just have to get past the mental speed bumps of dating the boss/assistant before they can really dig into a relationship.) A little simmering tension, a few accidents waiting to happen, relatives that drive a person to drink (more than one person, actually), and serial killer documentary dates. GOOD STUFF! -Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Review #5
Free audio Catastrophe Queen – in the audio player below
Emma Hart has a way of writing romantic comedy like no one else. Catastrophe Queen lives up to it\’s title as Mallory is a walking, talking catastrophe in everything she does, and you can\’t help but fall in love with her, and root for her throughout this book. When we first meet Mallory she\’s down on her luck, living with her parents, and trying to get a job, all while her crazy relatives are about to come in for a visit and make her life even more crazy then it already is. After a job interview that she thinks went well, she ends up almost being hit by a car and and embarrassing herself in front of a gorgeous man, thank goodness she\’ll never have to see him again, right? Wrong! He\’s her new boss. Cameron when he sees Mallory knows he has seen her before but can\’t put his finger on it, until his cousin, and ex-assistant let\’s him know it was the girl he almost ran over. The two of them have some awkward and hilarious times together learning to work with one another, but around all of that, there\’s this attraction that neither one of them can seem to deny.I loved watching how the two of them seemed to hide their attraction to one another, and how they would talk to each other. Their banter was hilarious, and how Cameron found Mallory\’s clumsiness endearing rather than annoying. He laughed with her when she got flustered and he helped her when she would trip and fall and have her mishaps. Everything about these two was hilarious and sweet at the same time, and if you throw in both of their crazy families it\’s one heck of a story.These two definitely took a while to get to where they needed to be, but it was a good story to get there. I could definitely understand both of their hesitation, and their worry about starting an office romance with him being Mallory\’s boss, and I loved the demands Mallory put on him when agreeing to finally date him.This book was a quick read, and definitely had me laughing out loud throughout it. Between Mallory\’s aunt and grandpa, and Cameron\’s mom, the secondary characters were amazing additions to this story on top of Mallory and Cameron. If you\’re needing a book that will make you laugh and have you swooning, I suggest picking up Catastrophe Queen by Emma Hart today!
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