Dead and Alive audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Dead and Alive audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Dead and Alive audiobook free
After reading the first 2 books in this saga, I HAD TO READ THE THIRD!!! If you can read the first 2 and ignore the 3rd, you have the willpower of the monster in this story. In this 3-book saga, Frankenstein\’s Monster is the good guy, while his maker is the very evil bad guy. The following are spoilers only to those who haven\’t read the first books. Frankenstein, known as Helios, has created \”improved meat machines\” in tanks, with the vision of subduing the earth and all inhabited planets. Breakdown in his kingdom is occurring in the most imaginative ways. Finally, good prevails over evil, at least for 1/2 minute. This book is SO WITTY and absolutely funny, making me in awe of the mind that created these words. Thank goodness, Mr Koontz is one of the good guys!! Yet, underneath the wondrous humor, lies the lesson that evil does walk this earth in the form of evil ideas, and humans can only subdue it by using our God-given free will, faith, hope, and love to keep it at bay.
Review #2
Dead and Alive audiobook in series Frankenstein
Good installment in an already interesting series. Dean Koontz takes the Frankenstein monster character we all remember from Mary Shellys\’ novel & gives him fresh life. Add in two intrepid police Detectives trading amusing banter as they fight Victor Frankensteins\’ (aka Helios) to boot. All in all a fun foray into both monster hunting along with unique questions regarding the very purpose and nature of humanity. I recommend this for all readers. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Review #3
Audiobook Dead and Alive by Dean Koontz
So, you want to rule the world. Only problem is people. People are needed. Who is going to do stuff? So, you create your own. Loyal and obedient. None of that free will stuff. That is Victor Frankenstein goal. Trouble is you\’ve created a pack of homicidal semi humans that are going nuts. Another problem is how to stop them from taking over the world and killing everyone. that is detectives Carson and Milligan job along with Frankenstein first monster\’s job. Hmm, have to read the trilogy.
Review #4
Audio Dead and Alive narrated by Christopher Lane
I\’m an avid Dean R. Koontz fan and have read most of his books. I did get behind for a while but am trying to catch up. It\’s sad all movies attempted of his books have been horrible and taken away from concept of book at times. My favorite is Hideaway. When someone found a movie in Blockbuster I only got through about first 5 minutes as they\’d ruined the entire movie theme. It\’s been sad for Dean Koontz but he knows his fans and some wonderful people in higher level of directorial are impressed and don\’t want to ruin the story in his novels.
Review #5
Free audio Dead and Alive – in the audio player below
There\’s nothing to NOT like about Dean Koontz Frankenstein series. He grips you with a fascinating tale and sweetens the pot with laugh out loud funny. I devoured every book in the series. Hate that the series ended. But as they say, \”All good things…\” Along those lines. If you love book series. Dean Koontz Odd Thomas series is a must read. I devoured all 7 (or 8?) books of Odd Thomas. I miss Oddie something fierce! Mr. Koontz, Sir. I\’d love to sit and have coffee with you. Just for a conversation with your incredible mind. You\’d have to pardon my first few minutes of awe struck.
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