Drawn into Darkness audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Drawn into Darkness audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Drawn into Darkness audiobook free
I didn\’t think I\’d like this story based on the content but the characters were well developed and the action was fast paced enough to keep me from putting it down. couldn\’t wait to see what the quirky Liana would do next.
Review #2
Drawn into Darkness audiobook streamming online
narrator was great. story very good. hard for me to put down and get back to reality!
Review #3
Audiobook Drawn into Darkness by Nancy Springer
The tone of lead character does not match the ordeal she was going through. too chipper to happy it was distracting and took away from the story
Review #4
Audio Drawn into Darkness narrated by Allison McLemore
This story was pretty much par for the course for this genre. Nothing too original or earth-shattering, but overall an enjoyable ride. The narrator, on the other hand, drove me NUTS! Her lilting, sing-song recitation of the terror and danger Liana faced really took me out of it. Her performance was better suited to a fluffy beach read (Don\’t get me wrong, I love a good beach read, but that\’s not what this is!). Her accent (Canadian?) was all wrong for Liana who is supposed to be from Pennsylvania. It just drove me nuts.
Review #5
Free audio Drawn into Darkness – in the audio player below
When I first started listening to this book I can promise you that my eyes rolled so far into my head I checked for an aneurysm?! That woman\’s voice had me gritting my teeth, and being the stalwart person, I am I continued to listen. It got me right in my feels! Saying to much will give away the whole story, but I can tell you this, the narrator made me laugh with her euphemisms, it\’s truly a serious book, yet I would catch myself cracking up at the way she would say things about herself, about the antagonist, Lord love a duck there were times I had to pause it to just laugh! The ending wasn\’t what I had hoped. I wanted to hear more about our heroes, how they dealt with everything, but it wasn\’t meant to be. I would still recommend this to anyone who has a sense of humor and can understand a mother\’s love.
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