Dream Dark (Beautiful Creatures #2.5) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Dream Dark (Beautiful Creatures #2.5) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Dream Dark (Beautiful Creatures #2.5) audiobook free
When we last left the Caster series, poor Link had been bitten by a half-blood Incubus. Link, the bumbling but devoted friend to the Casters and Sirens, now finds himself in a difficult predicament. Link is shifting. He is changing. He is becoming an Incubus. If Link is confused by the change, then his uber-religious mother is downright beside herself. Link is getting larger. His muscles are bulging, as opposed to being barely visible, and now he is an opposing figure. Once his mother drags him to the doctor to test for drugs and steroids, he knows he has to go to Lena and Ethan for help with what is happening to him. They take Link to Macon Ravenwood, Lena\’s uncle she thought had died. Macon helps Link understand the changes that are happening to him and explains the life of an Incubus. He calms Link down when he worries about having to eat blood to survive and what kind of monster he could become. But then Macon gives Link a task. He must deliver a message through the Caster tunnels. What Link finds, though, is that the message was really for him… This was a really short little blurb that would have been better as a chapter in the next book than a whole \”novella\” sold separately. I haven\’t read the next book in the series, so I am not sure how necessary this information will be, but since this is only available as an ebook, I hope they include it in the next book if it is vital to the story. Although I have to say, seeing goofy Link referred to as \”Linkubus\” was hilarious! Basically, this is just to tide the Caster fans over until October when the new book drops, and won\’t mean much to anyone who hasn\’t read the rest of the series.
Review #2
Dream Dark (Beautiful Creatures #2.5) audiobook streamming online
I bought this because I had just finished book 2 in the series and found it to be extremely good with a fantastic ending. So I read about this and it said it\’s Link\’s story as well as the first 5 chapters of the next book. For $1.99 why not? Link\’s story is really good and I think every one who reads these books likes Link, his personality is amazing and what he\’s going through is really fascinating. I enjoyed reading about just him. He goes through quite a bit of challenges in just a few short chapters and spends quite a bit of time spending time with Macon and doing special tasks for him. Can\’t wait to learn even more about what a Linkubus can do even though this tidbit enlightened me quite a bit on his strength. I enjoyed very much when his mother took him in to be tested for steroids. And since the next book doesn\’t come out til October I really was thrilled to get the added bonus of the first 5 chapters of Beautiful Chaos. It is like everyone said very quick to read, but for the price, it\’s worth it, in my opinion. It left me wanting more and excited to see what will happen for everyone in the third book. I think the action will definitely continue for all 4 of our main young adults characters.
Review #3
Audiobook Dream Dark (Beautiful Creatures #2.5) by Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl
My review: Dream Dark is a short novella, but an integral part of the Beautiful Creatures series. This series focuses largely on Link, Ethan\’s best friend whom I love. The forward motion of the series-level plot doesn\’t advance too much, the focus being on Link and his story. But learning about Link was more than sufficient! Things to love about Beautiful Creatures… –Link. A supporting role within the series, yes, but one that is integral to Ethan\’s character as well. He is funny and fun-loving and a spark of light in a story line that is often rather dark. –The bromance. I love the friendship between Ethan and Link. They compliment each other and their is unwavering support and loyalty. Things I wanted more of… –n/a My recommendation: This novella is a link between the first half and the last half of the series and a must read for fans of the series!
Review #4
Audio Dream Dark (Beautiful Creatures #2.5) narrated by Kevin T. Collins
I enjoyed this because it gave a little more insight into Link and how he is holding up with his change… i do enjoy reading about Ethan and Lena but its also refreshing to see what the other characters are going through. they all seem to hold so much back from each other throughout this series, we at least the first 2.5 books i\’ve read so far, you would think someone would say \”hey maybe we should put our heads together and figure this out by what each one of us knows\”, but it works the same in reality and sometimes you just can\’t make sense of what you\’re seeing until something happens and you fit the pieces together, kind of like Link walking in on Ridley and not noticing the light… i suppose you can\’t exactly tell everyone every detail of what you see everyday lol… i can\’t wait to see what exactly Ridley is going to do with her little ball of magic!!!
Review #5
Free audio Dream Dark (Beautiful Creatures #2.5) – in the audio player below
The side story of Link becoming an Incubus is somewhat interesting, but I don\’t think it\’s worth the extra price. It doesn\’t add any value to the storyline, in my opinion. The character of Link doesn\’t get much of any new insight, and the characters in the story are not so important (although they do show up later on) that this short story is a valuable addition to the series. In fact, if you just read the reviews of the book/novella, you will find out EVERYTHING you need to know from the short story, thanks to the Beautiful Creatures crazies out there who will comment and talk about the whole storyline. Save yourself a couple of bucks and pass on this one and just read the reviews here!
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