Duncan (The Protectors #3) audiobook
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Review #1
Duncan (The Protectors #3) audiobook free
**********Contains Spoilers********** This was a good book but there was just something slightly lacking with it, I think it was that Pam and Duncan didn’t connect with me as well as the previous 2 couples. I still felt like they had an awesome connection and Duncan would got to h*ll and back for Pam. After everything her psycho ab*sive ex-boyfriend Kenny put her through trying to build a half-breed army and get her to help with taking down the VC Warriors she needs someone as loving, protective and caring as him. I loved how he claimed Pam’s baby as his own pretty much straight away. Pam is apprehensive to mate with Duncan, mainly because she thinks she’s not good enough for him since all the ab*se she suffered plus having your ex-boyfriend who is also your ab*ser’s baby doesn’t help ease the worries in her mind which is totally understandable but Duncan tells her that they’re going to go at her pace in regards to their mating. I loved getting snippets of the VC Warriors that I’ve come to know and love. Man, I can’t wait to read Jill and Slade’s story as they seem to have a very interesting dynamic going on so far. Even though they all joke around with each other and constantly fight they’re a loving and supportive family and would do anything for each other. I’m looking forward to reading Sid’s story next as after how much flack he’s given Damon, Jared and Duncan about them being completely whipped by their mates. I think he’s going to fall very hard and won’t know what hit him. I’d definitely recommend this book, series and author to everyone.
Review #2
Duncan (The Protectors #3) audiobook in series The Protectors (Gabelman)
I read Duncan’s book because I wanted to see how Jill and Slade met. Chapter 4 won me over, when Duncan instantly and without hesitation claimed Pam’s unborn baby as his (which obviously isn’t). I have so much respect and admiration for this warrior, for the man that he is. He would walk through h3ll fire for Pam. His love for her, the selflessness and understanding, the patience and self control he possessed to make Pam feel safe, and gave her the confidence to take her life back is beyond remarkable. I love that all the warriors had their parts without upstaging Pam and Duncan. We definitely get a good amount of action especially with Slade and Jill. Slade’s introduction in this book, and how Jeffrey Kafer said his first line was utterly perfect.
Review #3
Audiobook Duncan (The Protectors #3) by Teresa Gabelman
Overall Rating: 5 Rockin’ ★★★★★ This is the third book in Teresa Gabelman’s series The Protectors. It is the culmination of Pam and Duncan’s story! Their story began in book one and continued to thread through the next. Can true love defeat evil? Pam is a woman on a mission. She loves her job and the children that she helps to protect. Unknown to her, she has been used as part of an experiment by her boyfriend. He has been injecting her with a drug and abusing her to gain information about the children she cares for. When Pam discovers what is happening she tries to hang on and get as much information as possible to help the children as well as the VC warriors. Pam finally has to run. Her body cannot continue to take the abuse that her ex, Kenny is dishing out. Who can she trust? Where can she go and be safe? Duncan knew from the moment he met Pam that she was his mate. He has tried to leave her alone, but cannot help but try to protect her. When she disappears he knows that she is in trouble and he must find her before it is too late. What has happened to her? Why didn’t she come to the VC warriors for help? Who is after her and why? Duncan knows that he will protect her with his last breath; he just needs to find her. When Duncan and Pam reunite things really start to heat up. Can he keep her safe? What secret is Pam hiding? Read this amazing book and you will be pulled into the world of the VC warriors! Hero: Duncan Roark 5 stars Heroine: Pam Braxton 5 stars Plot: 5 stars Steam Level: 5 stars Cliffhanger: No Would I recommend this book: Yes. Beautiful love story between a vampire warrior and a human female that is slowly being turned into more! Would I recommend this author: Yes. This is an author that continues to grow and produce amazing novels. Love her series and cannot wait to read the next book!
Review #4
Audio Duncan (The Protectors #3) narrated by Jeffrey Kafer
This is the third instalment of this series and it starts where the last book ends.I was really looking forward to reading the story between Pam and Duncan.In this book Pam is missing. There were a lot of surprises in this book we found some new information about Pam. After three months Pam is found and comes with a lot of baggage ( her old boyfriend Kenny who decides to be father of the of year) and it is up to her and Duncan to see if they can work it out. What I loved about this story is that I felt the intensity of feelings coming from Duncan towards Pam from his not eating for three months while Pam was missing and for accepting Pam when he found her without question. Theirs is a love story without sweet music and flowers but with real intentions.I love love love Duncan! Did I say that I love this story? (I read it again immediately) There were some other mini stories here also like the one between Slade and Jill; there was trouble in paradise between Jared and Tessa and Sid! what a character he had no filter but he was hilarious. I have gotten over my earlier reservations about this series being a cheap knock -off the BDB series what I love about this is that the old characters of previous books are in this book. My only bug bear is that there are no page numbers! and it could be better edited (see what I did?) I look forward to the next book.
Review #5
Free audio Duncan (The Protectors #3) – in the audio player below
Jesus I did not see this coming. Another intense but brilliant story in this series. Duncan has always been in the background, not someone you’d want to mess with but he’s always been broody and now I know why. He’s wanted Pam for so long but she was unavailable to him, shame he didn’t just take because that poor woman has been through hell with a capital H. Pam always trying to do the right thing. She may only be human but she has never stop trying to protect her friends including the warriors. She is in hiding and needs Nicole’s help. Nicole ropes in Tessa to help her and well there plan doesn’t really go according to plan. Although this story is intense and has elements of danger the humour this Author brings out in her characters is not only brilliant but so needed sometimes. Duncan will not settle until he finds Pam. He has let her down too many times and will not let that happen again whether Pam likes it or not. Once these warriors get something in their head there is nothing that can stop them achieving that goal. They have all done some brutal things but it’s all in the name of love, the strongest love you could ever imagine. This series is just perfect, I wouldn’t change a thing, okay maybe I would and that would be for the books to never end. Vampire Warriors is the best kind of Paranormal you could read. Seriously start the experience today. I believe after reading these books you could read each as a standalone BUT I recommend you start at the beginning, you won’t be disappointed. This is book three, Duncan’s story. Go find The Protector Series Book One, Damon’s story.
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