Ensnared (Splintered #3) audiobook
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Review #1
Ensnared (Splintered #3) audiobook free
I cannot find the words to describe how amazing this series books were! MASTERPICE!!! I am a huge fan of Alice\’s Adventures in Wonderland. I found out about the saga because of a friend, she was at that moment in an English course and one of her classmates was reading Splintered and she recommended it to her. My friend knew how much I like a game called Alice: Madness Returns so she recommended me. I will not write any spoilers. One of my favorite games Alice: Madness Returns is a psychological horror hack \’n\’ slay action-adventure game. The plot of the game follows Alice Liddell, a girl suffering from trauma caused by the death of her family in a fire. Alice was discharged from a psychiatric clinic and now lives in an orphanage for mentally traumatized orphans under the care of Dr. Angus Bumby. To get rid of the trauma and learn the truth about her past, she once again falls into Wonderland, where a new evil force has corrupted it. At the beginning of the game, we think that Alice is crazy and delusional but, in the journey, we can see and connect all the dots about what really is going on there. I Love this game so much is a darker version of Alice that focus on Madness a mental health and for my surprise A.G. Howard wrote an amazing darker version of in which the include romance… This books series completes my love for Wonderland.
Review #2
Ensnared (Splintered #3) audiobook streamming online
(sigh) I am not even sure where to start this review. . . I want to try to get through my feelings on the whole book before I address the ending. If I even manage to address it. There were so many feels happening in this book. I spent the first few chapters or so chewing on my nails waiting to hear something, anything, about Morpheus and Jeb. We learn more about Alyssa\’s dad and his family line and all that is interesting and stuff but…in the back of my mind I was stuck on the boys. I tried to focus, I did. Finally, FINALLY, we get to the boys and man, things just start to get so twisted. Alyssa is a little cray-cray, Morpheus is still his cunning and conniving self, and Jeb, well Jeb is angsty and now has some magic of his own. The way Alyssa seems to be literally splitting in two from Red\’s doing she is also split between her netherling side and human side over Morpheus and Jeb. My heart hurt for her it really did, but to me there wasn\’t ever a choice. #teammorpheus In total Howard style she, well really Jeb, has created some creeptastic creatures in Ensnared. I loved the whole vibe of the book and the set up of the world. I think we finally get answers to smaller things from the start of the series. Things were pieced together and the puzzle was finally able to be seen as a whole. The adventure was definitely NOT lacking. Reuniting with all the characters made my heart pitter patter. I loved the Wonderland that Howard created. Following Alyssa through this book was more nerve wracking knowing we would find our end. . . I am sad, so sad, to see this series end. Which leaves the ending… I had begun seeing mixed responses from readers all over (even my best friend) before I finished the book. I even stopped and read another book to prolong my feels. I am going to state my opinion on the matter. I think the ending felt like more of a copout than anything. I understand the author wanting to please her readers and in this case Howard had to please the masses swarming to either Morpheus or Jeb. Don\’t get me wrong the set up she wrote to achieve the outcome was brilliant and I applaud her but the ending felt wrong in some ways. Some say it was the perfect ending…because they all three (Alyssa, Jeb and Morpheus) win. Well, it\’s fine and dandy to think of it that way but reality is she was getting the best of both worlds and I think that wasn\’t fair to either guy. How could she fully give herself to one or the other? She couldn\’t, not really, not fully. In some way they all did get their happily ever after and maybe that\’s the way I should see it. I\’m still trying to see it that way. Overall, it was a great series and I\’d read it all over again given the chance and knowing what I know. I look forward to any other work Howard pay put out and hope to everything that we get to glimpse Wonderland once more. perhaps with an offspring of Alyssa and Jeb\’s? Or through the eyes of her son with Morpheus?
Review #3
Audiobook Ensnared (Splintered #3) by A. G. Howard
I finished this book January 22nd and I couldn’t bring myself to review it till now. I have been busy but it is mostly due to the fact that I don’t want to let go. I just simply do not have enough positive words in my vocabulary to express my undying love for this series. I am an Alice in Wonderland fan to the fullest, always have been. The way A.G. was able to warp the classic tale was almost as if the Alice in Wonderland went through the Tulgey Wood and came out this beautifully dangerous & mutated creature. This twisted version gives me that darker vibe that my inner netherling craves!! First off if you haven’t read this series…what are you waiting for?? Fairy tale re-imaginings have taken off in the past few years and this, my friends, will be remembered among the greats. The most gripping part of this series is the imagery that is portrayed through written word. There are so many vivid scenes and locations, especially in the land on Any-elsewhere! If I was to recommend a first timer a retelling, it would be this hands down every time. If you haven’t read this series…STOP HERE! Slight spoilers ahead. spoiler alert As we know the ending of Unhinged left readers on quite the precipice. Alyssa had just saved her peers at prom from some toys possessed with restless souls yet in using the wraiths she collapsed the portal to wonderland leaving her mother trapped there. Not only that but she lost her 2 loves Morpheus and Jeb to the Tulgey wood. Things are not lookin’ pretty so she does what any Liddel relative would do and decides to descend into he madness in her head. Not only will that make her strong enough to deal with the twisted netherling her and her father will encounter along the way but sometimes to get stuff done you just gotta get crazy!! The history that was woven for Thomas (Alyssa’s father) blew me away slightly more than that of her mother’s history that was revealed in the previous book. I am just so awestruck at the meticulous detail that went into every step of this. It came out to perfection. I had a vague idea of how the ending would play out but never thought I would feel very satisfied by it all. I’ve seen something similar done a few times before but it didn’t matter since this was so taylored to fit this tale perfectly. I am Team Morpheus till the time I die…. team morpheous I had to admit though the Jeb did earn my begrudging respect for the absolute selflessness he was able to show for Alyssa. It was crystal clear just how much both these men loved her for the different parts that made her unique. Through all the other books I felt Morph had one up on Jeb because umm hello… magic!! Ensnared definitely leveled out the the playing field in a very clever twist. photo im not myself u know – alice_zpsdk3rnbi5.gif All of it down to the last detail just seemed perfect to me. I sat there when I was done and cried for about 5 minutes (which in actuality a long time to cry), then tweeted dear Mrs. Howard that I couldn’t speak to much to her since I wasn’t fully recovered but thanked her for giving me this incredible adventure.
Review #4
Audio Ensnared (Splintered #3) narrated by Rebecca Gibel
another book bought for my daughter who has a thing for this author
Review #5
Free audio Ensnared (Splintered #3) – in the audio player below
Loved the book, excellent ending to the trilogy. May look into seeing if they have any more books by this Author. Easy read and great imagination; found I couldn\’t put the book down and was sad when it ended.
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