Forgotten Truth audiobook
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Review #1
Forgotten Truth audiobook free
This is part 3 of 4 in a series of fantasy novels. I\’ve read and re-read them many times now. The series is the coming of age story of Alyssa. She\’s a very intriguing character that can sometimes be aggravating, but you end up falling in love with her spirit and the characters that populate her life. The first novel can be a little slow, but it\’s worthwhile to read it to get the basis for the series. It picks up in the second novel with some VERY interesting twists. This is the third, which has more twists, but I won\’t get into them because I like for readers to decide for themselves whether they enjoy a novel/series or not. I obviously do enjoy this series, as I\’ve re-read it on multiple occasions. I hope you give the series a chance. I do wish the author would write a continuation or offshoot of the series as I really love these characters.
Review #2
Forgotten Truth audiobook streamming online
Dawn Cook/Kim Harrison is one of my alltime favorite authors. I didn\’t even stop to find out what the book was about, I was just glad to find another book by her, Turns out I really adore this series as well. For me it was like checking your pockets and finding a $20 dollar bill you didn\’t know you had.
Review #3
Audiobook Forgotten Truth by
The continuation of this series is amazing! I read it when we only knew the author as Kim Harrison…my paperback copy wore out so I got the kindle version…not the same but now I won\’t have to worry about tattering another book by rereading it 50 times…if only these books never ended. Witty and great character development!
Review #4
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I am not sure this classifies, but I\’ll give the \’Spoiler Alert\’ heads up, anyway. I really have been enjoying these books. I like that she has put thought into the story, and there are plenty of details in this book which tie back to the first and second books. I think the plot has perfect depth. Although some complained about the character depth in the first book, I do not think that this is at all a problem in this one. I do not, however, love the book. It is a personal preference, but here\’s why: I HATE when authors have their characters supposedly \’in love\’ with two other characters, just for the sake of drawing a story line out. It annoys me to no end. Additionally, the end of this book, when Alissa suddenly decides she\’s also in love with Lodesh, seems as if it were tacked on in hindsight. It is as if Dawn Cook thought \”Oh, wait. Alissa has been absolutely faithful to Strell, but I need Lodesh around for the conclusion. Guess I\’ll have her confess her love for him, too.\” It drives me crazy. Again, though, that is just a personal preference. Additionally, sometimes writers get stuck in a rut with a particular word, and I couldn\’t help but cringe every time the word \”proffered\” was used. It wasn\’t as excessive as some authors use a repetitive word, but it was enough for me to take notice. Other than that, though, I think the books are very good. I will be starting the fourth as soon as I get it.
Review #5
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These stories draw you in holding you captive! You can’t put these books down. They are so intriguing and so well-written; you feel like you’re there; Actually experiencing what is going on and living with the characters. They become your family – a part of you!
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