Four Seconds to Lose (Ten Tiny Breaths #3) audiobook
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Review #1
Four Seconds to Lose (Ten Tiny Breaths #3) audiobook free
Tucker got me with this one! Yet another book that I didn\’t want to end. I couldn\’t put it down! I think I might be a little bit in love with Cain. How could I not? He is one of those characters that you can\’t help but to swoon over. Charlie, so full of secrets. She is one of those characters that will not allow anyone to break her. The more life throws at her, the harder she fights. I just couldn\’t get enough of this story and the characters. The book flowed so well, it was over too soon. This whole series is shaping up to be one of my favorite series.
Review #2
Four Seconds to Lose (Ten Tiny Breaths #3) audiobook streamming online
4 stars! “I believe some people are inherently evil. I believe guilt is a powerful motivator. I believe redemption is something you can strive for but never fully achieve. I believe second chances exist only in dreams, never in reality. I believe you don\’t have years, or months, or weeks to impact a person\’s life. You have seconds. Seconds to win them over, And seconds to lose them.” I can\’t believe I\’ve waited this long to read this book. Ten Tiny Breaths is one of my all times favs, and I loved One Tiny Lie. I liked Cain, but for some reason set this book aside, until now. Cain is the owner of a strip club called Penny\’s in Miami, but he\’s a good guy and not a sleazy one. Cain takes care of his employees and doesn\’t exploit them. Charlie is applying for a job at Penny\’s, and she\’s got a huge amount of secrets around her. From the moment they see other, Cain and Charlie feel an attraction but neither of them are willing to act on that attraction. “She’s the woman who stole my heart right out from me before I even realized she had her hands on it.” Night after night Charlie dances, and she teases Cain. Every night he watches her but doesn\’t act. As time goes by tension builds up and the two must decide whether to give in to the attraction or let each other go. I really enjoyed this book. The beginning was a little bit slow for me but once the book gained some speed I couldn\’t put it down. KA Tucker seems to thrive on characters with secrets and boy did Charlie and Cain have secrets. I liked Charlie as a main character, a girl who feels a lot but is not expressive, making her mysterious to other characters but not to the reader. “For all that I hate about what I’ve done, there’s one thing I can’t regret. It led me to him.” I also really liked getting some character development on Cain. He\’s been present in the last two books but never a central character, and I\’m glad his story was told. He wasn\’t the most moral or perfect man, but he genuinely wanted to make amends for his past and was a good man to everyone around him. This book was a bit steamier than the last two which was a bit of an added bonus. TTB was fairly fade to black if I recall and I\’m glad the author didn\’t do that in this book. The age difference between Charlie and Cain also didn\’t bug me too much, Charlie may have been young but had the soul of someone who was older. “I’m not afraid of anything, yet I think I’m afraid of Charlie. Not afraid of her. Afraid of having her. Of losing her.” Overall like I said I enjoyed this one. It didn\’t pack the same emotional punch as the first two but was still a great addition to the series and definitely worth a read.
Review #3
Audiobook Four Seconds to Lose (Ten Tiny Breaths #3) by K.A. Tucker
**ARC kindly provided by Publisher and author in exchange for an honest review** 5 CAIN-Licious Stars Let me start by saying that there are many things I look for in a 5 star read and this one had them all. This book was full of romance, suspense, laughter, sexual tension and sorrow. I couldn\’t put this book down. I was sucked in from the very beginning. I knew that when I met Cain in Ten Tiny Breaths (Book 1) that he would have a great story to tell, and I wasn\’t wrong. This story didn\’t disappoint at all. We learn from beginning that Cain has had a troubled past, but there are so many things we learn along the way. What his parents did to him and his sister was horrible and my heart broke for him. I was so thrilled to see that he was making something of his life…even if it was owning a strip club. This book was chocked full of surprises along the way. There was a little surprise/twist at the end that I didn\’t see coming but I loved it. It totally fit with Cain and Charlie\’s story. If you loved Ten Tiny Breaths, then I have to say you are going to love this book as well. I thought the flow of the book was great and of course, to me, the writing was flawless. The author does a wonderful job grabbing onto your attention and making it feel like you are a part of this story. I really don\’t know how to describe both Cain and Charlie except for that I loved both of them. I loved their characters. Cain was great!!!!! He was straightforward but also tender. He was so compassionate towards his staff. I loved the bond he formed with all of the people who worked at Penny\’s. Even though there is one person ( China ) that I couldn\’t stand and I felt she took advantage for Cain\’s tender side, I was glad to see he finally stood up to her and set her straight. You really need to read this book to get the full effect of Cain. As for Charlie….she was a great heroine in my book. She was such a strong individual. Throughout the book we find out things about her that would normally would\’ve broken any person down, but not her….she stood strong. I have to say Charlie was dealt a really crappy hand when she was growing up but I loved that she came out on the other side a better person. I enjoyed seeing all of the other characters from this series, although I would\’ve liked more of them and what was happening with each of them. We get a glimpse into what has been happening and going on but I would\’ve liked more. I am looking forward to book 4 ( Ben\’s Book ) That will be an interesting story. Ben was a total character in this book. He had me laughing the most, but with that said he was also a very loyal and caring friend to both Charlie and Cain. I have to say I would love to get a story about Nate and Ginger….just a thought 😉 I would definitely recommend this book/series to everyone. This series is all about love and forgiveness and moving forward and becoming better people. Each of these books will suck you in.
Review #4
Audio Four Seconds to Lose (Ten Tiny Breaths #3) narrated by Elizabeth Louise Sebastian York
This book initially attracted me to K.A. Tucker way back when it was released at the end of 2013. At the time I thought it was quite a high price to pay considering it was a Kindle book, however, after reading ten Ten Tiny Breaths and One Tiny Lie I knew that I was going to have to download this straight away regardless of cost! It’s the third book K.A. Tucker’s Ten Tiny Breath series and features on character who we already know a bit about (Cain) and brad new character Charlie. I was really looking forward to reading this. One big hit for me in this book was the dual narrative between both characters. I love reading from the guy’s point of view and after reading Burying Water I knew that the author executed a dual narrative in a way that I liked. The narrative flicks back and forth between the characters and I really liked getting to know Cain more. Cain’s past is all sorts of shades of grey with some very very dark years thrown in. He strives to do his best for his staff even though owning his own strip club makes him seem like a shady character. He really does seem to look out for them and goes above and beyond to help them study or get through addiction and even puts a roof over their heads if that’s what they need. This demonstrates just how much of a kind and caring guy he actually is. Charlie Rourke is a mysterious one. She has a shady present to rival Cain’s shady past and there is so much more to her than initially meets the eye. I found her to be quite a shifty character and always felt tense reading from her POV. Cain tries to resist the pull he feels towards Charlie but his protective side overtakes his rules about not sleeping with his staff and the constant feeling the Charlie gives is that she needs to be rescued although you’re not entirely sure what from in the beginning. Charlie hasn’t been my favourite leading lady so far – Kacey definitely has that title. However I loved the fact that this was a dual narrative and learning about the man behind the strip club owner was great reading. I’m looking forward to the next in the series.
Review #5
Free audio Four Seconds to Lose (Ten Tiny Breaths #3) – in the audio player below
I really liked Cain during the series, especially in the first book- Ten Tiny Breathes- which I will admit is still my favorite, but unfortunately his personal story in this book left me dissappointed. One of the things I disliked in this book was the constant back and forth between Charlie\’s and Cain\’s perspective. It was not like this in the first two stories so I don\’t like that the writing style has suddenly changed so drastically in this book. Also as I said I like Cain in the first two and that was mainly because he was broody and mysterious. However now that we have a story from his point of view his hot broodiness has revealed itself as him just being mopey. Definitely not as attracted to him anymore. Otherwise I did like the introduction of Charlie but because she wasn\’t a character in the first two it seemed too disconnected from the series and I didn\’t feel a real connection between her and the other characters even though she and Livi are the same age and I feel as though a friendship could have been created there. This is my least favorite of the series so far which is upsetting as I was quite looking forward to getting to know more about Cain.
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