Oct 5, 2022

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Free (707 Freedom #1) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Free (707 Freedom #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1

Free (707 Freedom #1) audiobook free

Why would anybody want to read this book? I have no idea why. Healys his love and goes into the army. Then they fake his death two months later. 12 years they’ve been separated and he has screwed over 100 girls around the country. And I have to read about him doing it with another one. Meanwhile the girl he loves. Is giving her money and making these organizations for people that would make him proud . Because she thinks he is dead every year she goes to his grades and pours out his heart. What part of that is about story. Really . I really really really hate this book. The last thing want to read is about him having all these wonderful affairs. And she is sick to her stomach and still in love with him and misses him every day.

Review #2

Free (707 Freedom #1) audiobook streamming online

I actually didn’t mind the plot for this story, but the follow through had a few problems with it. Shane and Lily were best friends as they were both from wealthy families they despised. He joins the military and after seeing her on time off, kisses her and that’s the last she sees of him for over a decade. Unbeknownst to Lily, Shane has joined a elite team and has to fake his own death so that he can have a new identity that is isolated from his former life, keeping Lily safe. During this time, he has a lot of dalliances with other women and she goes to his gravestone every year to cry and talk to the presumably deceased Shane about her life. Lily is divorced from her cheating husband that her family set her up with and has used her squillions of dollars to start and work for a charity in Shane’s name that helps the community in a multitude of wonderful ways. Shane creeps into the cemetery every year and watches her from a distance. One day, Lily’s life is threatened by people after Shane. He’s there (of course!), saves her, then tries to pass her off so he can continue to be a military bad boy.

I’ll be honest – this didn’t endear Shane to me at all. He was a jerk and completely inconsiderate to the fact that she had been his best friend, loved him and then been convinced by deception that he was dead. In fact, I’d go as far to say he became a moody, arrogant douche at times. I wasn’t a huge fan of Lily, either. She was pretty whiney and the author had her character harp on about Shane, his death, her love for him, her charity, etc. a lot. Personally, I would’ve wanted to slap Shane around a bit, regardless of how devastatingly good looking he apparently is.

By chapter three, the themes in the book and Lily’s melancholy thoughts and pining for Shane were sounding like a broken record. When she finally comes face to face with Shane, he says everything is a secret…and then tells her why he had to fake his death anyway. That was after they got it on in the car after rushing away from the cemetery. There were a stack of tears rolling and pouring down Lily’s face throughout the book. I really dislike it when authors lean on this cliche for their female leads. We get it. She’s tremendously upset and now probably really dehydrated from crying so much. Sheesh. I think they try to give the impression of a damsel in distress who needs her man, but it hardly ever comes across as this, especially when the crying is shoved down our throats. And Shane’s excuse? He wanted her happy. In Lily’s words: ‘Well, guess what? You failed’.

Of course, amongst all of this angst from Shane serving his country, being a super hero and lying to Lily, they are so attracted to each other that they have to get intimate. This had me rolling my eyes. Shane also trotted out the ‘I’m a soulless killer but I did it to serve my country’ rubbish so that he sounded like a cool, alpha, super soldier. Again, this was over the top. The same themes were repeated throughout the book and by the end of it, I felt like I’d read the same thing quite a few times.

The book wasn’t my cup of tea for the most part, but I got it for free, otherwise I probably would have rated it lower. If you like over the top military romances, you’ll enjoy this, but unfortunately I couldn’t get into the characters enough to enjoy the story, especially with the repetition.

Review #3

Audiobook Free (707 Freedom #1) by Riley Edwards

I will not read this author again. The story while having the potential to go somewhere we could at least enjoy was disappointing to say the least.
Lilly was only slightly less unlikable than her male counterpart Shane AKA Lennox . It gave you a happy ending if you can let go of what an ass Shane was. I’m not prudish enough to believe they should have been virgins but the number women Shane was with under the guise of being noble to save Lilly from his horrible self. If he loved her how is it there’s no mention of thought of protection with anyone he was with and then getting her pregnant without a thought that’s what happens when you have sex. The reality is that they would have ended up with a deadly disease. I was left a bit disgusted and disappointed by Shanes insincerity and lack of moral character. It all sounded like a cop out and I don’t like wimps and that is how he came across.

Review #4

Audio Free (707 Freedom #1) narrated by CJ Bloom Troy Duran

I love Riley Edward’s books (big fan) but after reading the reviews on this one, I’m glad I chose to read out of order and put this one last. Now that I’ve read 80% of her books and loved most of them, I can say this was my least favorite of all.
Lenox and Lilly were best friends. They were both in love with each other as teenagers but neither had worked up the courage to tell the other yet. After highschool, Lenox enlists in the army and shortly afterwards decides to fake his death and live under an alias. In his twisted thinking, it was a way to protect those he cared for (Lilly) because his job was very dangerous.
For 12 years Lilly thought he was actually dead. She morned him and never truly moved on with her life. She cries on his grave every year, started a foundation sort of in his honor.
Long story short, Lenox pops back up and Lilly realizes he’s actually been alive this whole time.

As a character, Lilly is driven and determined to make something of herself and her wealth, she wants to help others. Lenox is a strong alpha protector but he took it too far. He crushed her by faking his death, then magically reappeared in her life and gave her false hope that he might take her back, then crushes her again by leaving her AGAIN. Not to mention, for the 12 years he pretended to be dead, he boasts about being with hundreds of women…
I feel as though the line of unforgivable has been crossed here. The whole time I was reading, I was honestly hoping she would tell him to shove it, but she doesn’t… she basically accepts his apology and takes him back AGAIN. The whole thing kind of erked me. I prefer my romances with a strong heroine who doesn’t just accept everything she’s handed without question.

Review #5

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The character development is quite poor, I felt no affinity with any of them. The writing style is disjointed, it just doesn’t flow and certain actions within the storyline are glossed over to the detriment of the book.
Speaking personally, any man who failed to consider me the way Shane failed Lily would not see my arse for dust.
He longs to have her making his meals and changing his bedding but fails to see how badly his actions impact her. Not once does he put her first. In fact thinking about it, I didn’t like his characterisation at all. The idea behind the series is sound just not well executed.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Free-707-Freedom-1-000 1:29:44
  • 03. Free-707-Freedom-1-001 1:29:44
  • 04. Free-707-Freedom-1-002 1:29:44
  • 05. Free-707-Freedom-1-003 0:27:53

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