Oct 5, 2022

From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast

From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast

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From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast audiobook

Hi, are you looking for From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast audiobook free

\”You\’ve still got it Alan, I don\’t care what they say! ?\” I\’m quoting Jed (Maxwell) of course, who didn\’t go all fat and steal my pension. But just as \”I\’m Alan Partridge\” 1 & 2 were the best British comedies ever made (alongside Fawlty Towers), this may be the best podcast ever made. Perhaps I\’m just high on the hops from Alan\’s new Oasthouse, or giddy from the infectious and quite brilliantly performed jingle that bookends each episode. Or perhaps I\’m as lucid as Lynn when she contemplates Alan\’s advice herein of how to gently remove her seatbelt if she finds herself upside down after a massive collision when coming to pick Alan up from a ramble he\’s got fed up with (which of course has nothing to do with being caught nosing inside a divorcee\’s garage). Well yes as you might have gathered, this is rather more than a quick podcast to keep that pension going. It\’s a very cleverly thought out and extremely well produced \”I\’m Alan Partridge\” 6 hour audio book, and all I can say to sum it up is, lovely stuff. Well done to all involved.


Review #2

From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast audiobook streamming online

I think the only thing better than Alan’s Top Gear esque review of Lynn’s dead mother’s stair lift (“Not bad on the pull away… huffs and puffs a bit on the incline…”) or our introduction to his new big brother role with a former inmate (“Every week I spend an hour with a troubled teen, who goes by the name of Daniel… which is his name.”) is the fact that clearly the Alan Partridge writers and team have found a medium that Coogan will be able to run with for years to come. The idea of more of this is audio heaven is bloody lovely stuff.


Review #3

Audiobook From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast by Alan Partridge

A great performance from Coogan that shows Partridge at his best, alone and rambling. Several heartfelt stories.


Review #4

Audio From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast narrated by Alan Partridge

A treasure for any true Partridge fan. He doesn’t miss a beat. I think anyone who enjoys a good ramble from a legendary rambler or, just the most clever comedy from modern masters of social commentary will be thrilled. The episodes are layered, as with all Coogan/Gibbons projects, and will continue to deliver upon relistening. Cheers Baby Cow


Review #5

Free audio From the Oasthouse: The Alan Partridge Podcast – in the audio player below

classic Partridge, excellent start to finish. woll have you laughing out loud, classic Coogan aha


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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. From-The-Oasthouse-The-Alan-Partridge-Podcast-000 1:29:44
  • 03. From-The-Oasthouse-The-Alan-Partridge-Podcast-001 1:29:44
  • 04. From-The-Oasthouse-The-Alan-Partridge-Podcast-002 1:29:44
  • 05. From-The-Oasthouse-The-Alan-Partridge-Podcast-003 1:29:44
  • 06. From-The-Oasthouse-The-Alan-Partridge-Podcast-004 0:44:31

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