Glorious Rock Bottom audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Glorious Rock Bottom audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Glorious Rock Bottom audiobook free
I love this woman! I have read all of her books. She is so honest and raw, I enjoy everything by her. This one is no exception!
Review #2
Glorious Rock Bottom audiobook streamming online
A raw read and utterly un-put-downable. Highly recommend this book Well done Bryony you brave woman, I loved every page
Review #3
Audiobook Glorious Rock Bottom by Bryony Gordon
I saw her on ITV\’s \”Loose Women\” discussing mental illness, her description if her drinking habits rang a bell. With stress I always drank, after a terrible year of a parent with dementia, death and subsequent depression I was drinking upwards of two bottles of wine per night or half a bottle ( or more) of spirits. Reading her account struck such a chord in me, I had one last brandy and Ive been dry since. It looks at the reasons she drank, and why she carried on, the depression, the crippling guilt and the \”naughty\” I like being wild & funny. If you are in a similar situation, or know someone who is get them this book, it really has changed my life! My depression has lessened significantly, I wake up relaxed, not worried sbout what I said or did… and I\’m saving £50+ a week too.
Review #4
Audio Glorious Rock Bottom narrated by Bryony Gordon
I absolutely loved this book. I\’ve read quite a few addiction memoirs and I\’ve always been left with wanting to know how people navigate sobriety. Bryony does this beautifully and shows that a sober life isn\’t instagrammable hot yoga, green smoothies and boundless positivity and energy but a difficult yet wonderfully worthwhile journey to acceptance and self esteem and a place where shame no longer thrives. Bravo Bryony!
Review #5
Free audio Glorious Rock Bottom – in the audio player below
Bryony Gordon put everything out there with this book. Truly, everything. It is, at times, a very shocking read. I can only salute her bravery and incredible strength with everything she’s gone through. The fact she has come out the other side is truly remarkable, and very inspirational. Despite the tough subject, this book is wonderfully written; Bryony is a very gifted writer and the setup of each chapter is straightforward. Everything flows so well, it is easy to keep reading “just one more chapter”. I ended up reading it in one afternoon as I simply didn’t want to put it down. I don’t think you need to have issues with alcohol, or be around people who do, to find something helpful in Bryony’s story. Despite not having a drinking issue, I related a lot to the shame and guilt Bryony described (for different reasons) and I found the honesty to be compelling and poignant for anyone who’s ever struggled with low self-esteem.
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