Her Father’s Daughter audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Her Father’s Daughter audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Her Father’s Daughter audiobook free
First, don\’t believe them when they say this is stand alone, no need to read the earlier series. You can do that…I did…and this book then lacks character development to a large degree. Also, I don\’t believe that parents talk to their daughters the way these do….even to their mid-20s elf daughters. If the setting is Seattle, the facts should be correct about Seattle: It\’s Pike Place Market…not Pike\’s Place. And their is no ocean view from Seattle. Maybe that only matters to Seattleites. Having said all this, I still liked the book. It was well written and reasonably well edited. The new characters in this book were well developed. Bottom line is I bought the next in the series when I was finished.
Review #2
Her Father’s Daughter audiobook in series Alison Brownstone
I have followed all the Brownstone books including those about Alison. I had high hopes for this series, but have to admit my enthusiasm was dimmed by introduction of the AMD disease affecting Alison. I am not sure I want to follow future books if this is going to affect Alison\’s magical powers.
Review #3
Audiobook Her Father’s Daughter by Judith Berens
Alison is kicking around trying to decide what she wants to do with her life. She tried bounty hunting. She tried tomb raider game. Now she is trying private security jobs. Unknown to her, she has been attacked by someone of influence and power who believes Earth should be for humans only, no magic. His team is behind the AMDS Virus. Her magic is slowly being affected. Meanwhile, she continues to fight bad guys, successfully complete retrieval jobs, rescue good people, and move clear across the country to establish herself in Seattle. Lots of action in this story! Some networking and meeting people who will be, I\’m assuming, important in later books in Alison\’s story. Wonderful beginning to a new series. I enjoyed it loads and loads!
Review #4
Audio Her Father’s Daughter narrated by Kate Rudd
Lots to like here! I look forward to reading more of this series, and fortunately there are several, and at present, they are available to read for free through Amazon Prime. Light urban fantasy / light romance elements , with good action sequences thrown in. Very entertaining and there is a surprising amount of established myth and cultural references thrown in. Author did a very nice bit of research to tie this all together. Properly edited and published this is a good read with a fair bit of shelf life ahead.
Review #5
Free audio Her Father’s Daughter – in the audio player below
I really enjoyed the School of Necessary Magic series and so was looking forward to Alison’s story. Now that it’s here I have mixed emotions. The characters are great (really like Hana!) but the AMDS thing is weird and the consequence of having used her Drow wish was unexpected. I hope the series gets to the bottom if the disease bit sooner than later and those who developed it get what’s coming to them.
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