His First Crush (Firsts #2) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for His First Crush (Firsts #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
His First Crush (Firsts #2) audiobook free
The storyline and characters are all-consuming. I’m addicted to knowing what happens to whom and why and where and who else had a hand in causing it to happen or even making it happen, so I read and read and read some more. But I can NEVER get enough of these characters and I ALWAYS want … more. For that I totally blame the author, MJ Fields (love you … more!) The story is complex with A LOT of characters that in order to truly understand the concept of family and the dynamics of everything it would immensely help to have read The Legacy Series. Can you read this without having read ALL the stories before (yes and no – Her First Kiss is a MUST read before diving into His First Crush)! You could read this without the entire back story from all the other preceding series but I highly recommend you start from the Love Series and work you way through – you’ll be glad you did. In typical MJ fashion she makes you hate a character only to redeem them in the long run. For me at least, that was the case with Ashley. As humans we have an inherent way of judging people based on what we know (or what we think we know), but we may NOT know the truth – we only know what they allow us to think of as the truth (confusing? perhaps, but read the story and it’ll clear up for you!) Logan – SWOONWORTHY for sure! He encourages London to live a life where she has no regrets, she seeks out her full potential, yet will be there to catch her if she falls. That takes a strong man who will stand beside her and even let her lead when it’s not in his makeup to let anyone take the reins but himself. London – In the midst of tragedy, learning to live or embrace life as she knows proves difficult. How do you do that when guilt eats away at you? The questions of why rain down upon her like a torrential downpour. Trying to make sense in a nonsensical world is exhausting. So many angles and different storylines are all meshed together to make the reader never quite certain where the next turn will come from but I love that the stories from MJ are never predictable yet oh so entertaining, lovable and often addressing issues in the very messed up world that we live in. The characters are relatable and lovable (well most of them are anyway). The story is raw and emotional! Keeka, Leddy Lou (aka angel) and Trucker – don’t get me started on this amazing story I hope is yet to unfold. I just know these characters have to be talking to MJ because I NEED to know more about them and all that their story entails. This book along with Her First Kiss is worth a re-read for sure!
Review #2
His First Crush (Firsts #2) audiobook streamming online
His First Crush is the continuing story of Logan Links & London Fields. Growing up together you think they would know everything about each other but when one event can change your whole life you see just the beginning of your story. The two of them go through many ups and downs, they deal with their families, their friends, their own emotions but when they overcome that all you can’t help feel that they always were made to be together. We will see the many interactions between their families there will be laugh out loud moments some somber moments but it always comes down to family. MJ Fields can keep on writing about these amazing characters because they have become our family too.
Review #3
Audiobook His First Crush (Firsts #2) by MJ Fields
A piece of advice… make sure to study the family tree at the beginning of the book. There are alot of supporting characters, which is great (adds lots of color), it can also become confusing. There is almost nothing more annoying than having to pause in the middle of an amazing story just to figure out how a certain character is relative or related to the main characters and the plot. Other than that, the story picks up right where the first ‘First’ left off. Love that! This is more Logan’s story as told more so from his POV. Love that more! And it definitely makes Logan and London’s story come full circle while also leaving it open for their journey to continue (as I’m sure it will). Love that most! This is definitely not a standalone and I’ll definitely be reading the other connected series. LOVED all the firsts Logan and London were able to experience in this one together!!
Review #4
Audio His First Crush (Firsts #2) narrated by Elizabeth Hart Jeremy York
MJ never disappoints when reading her books, she can make you laugh and cry sometimes happy tears sometime sad tears because you are so heartbroken it’s they only thing you can do. I love the banter between Lucas and Brody but the person you love more is London and Logan. London makes your heart break for her and you have to switch sides of your pillow from the tears falling from your eyes. I was not expecting the turn of events from Ashley’s side and you don’t want to hate her from the love series. I have always said if you want to read this series or the other’s it’s recommended starting with blue love because the books intertwine and you’ll know the characters for this book. You’ll get what it being said especially about Collin. If you want to read this book please do so but it’s always best to start with blue love first.
Review #5
Free audio His First Crush (Firsts #2) – in the audio player below
I couldn’t wait for this book, after the way the first book ends, admittedly, my imagination went a little wild and I had all types of scenarios running through my mind. This story is EVERYTHING I had hoped for and more! I absolutely loved this conclusion but especially love the many teasers for stories to come. Logan Links *sigh*, he’s so damn dreamy, good Lord that man melts hearts and panties, I LOVE him, all aspects of him because, yes he’s hot but he also has a gigantic heart and Jesus L. Christ, he’s yummy! London totally rocks, even though she’s young, she is an old soul and has the biggest heart. I love that we saw some questionable behavior from her in this story, granted with her age, it’s probably appropriate, but still she really had Logan tied up in knots and it was interesting to see how they handled these twists and turns. My feelings go beyond the story because all the characters are just as interesting and I feel the author used them in the very best way. Lucas and Brody….friction, Lucas and Tessa…..fireworks, Brody and Em…..completely in love and calming. I love how protective Brody is of his girls but I also got choked up when he begrudgingly gives into what is going on with Logan and London because that real and I felt it.
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