Hush Now, Don’t You Cry (Molly Murphy #11) audiobook
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Review #1
Hush Now, Don’t You Cry (Molly Murphy #11) audiobook free
I still don\’t know if I hate Daniel because he\’s a 1904 ass or because of how he is voiced
Review #2
Hush Now, Don’t You Cry (Molly Murphy #11) audiobook streamming online
This story feels to me like it should be a short story of 30 minutes long. There is barely any characterization, and it is stretched out to a full length book was really nothing much in it. I like this series very much obviously or I would not gotten this far into it, however this book was a disappointment. It seems very amateurish.
Review #3
Audiobook Hush Now, Don’t You Cry (Molly Murphy #11) by Rhys Bowen
I know this series has received rave reviews and I can understand it. But I am done with Molly Murphy. Too bad, because I really liked many of the characters in the series. I have also enjoyed the audio performance by Nicola Barber. This disappointment has nothing to do with her. The main frustration for me has been the \”evolving\” relationship between Molly and Daniel. I almost gave up the series at \”Oh Danny Boy\” . However, I plugged on believing it might get better or Molly would come to her senses. No such luck. I\’m sure men were much more like Daniel back then. However, fictional men for fictional heroines don\’t have to be. Here is a strong willed feisty heroine in love with a guy who doesn\’t seem to have any good qualities except a good job. Her increasingly simpering responses to the big Mama\’s boy are just not in character with her other qualities. The endless forced confrontations between the two, which always start with him yelling \”Molly…\”, are tiresome. Her responses to him have made me think less of her as a heroine, not more. I have to say, I was disappointed in this book that Daniel actually recovered from pneumonia! I was hoping Bowen might give her a fresh start. I did initially purchase the next book in the series (In the Family Way) as I thought I\’d come this far, I should finish the series. However, I returned it after listening for a couple chapters. No more. Having said all this, Bowen\’s other series, Royal Spyness, is still delightfully refreshing and funny after seven books. The hero and heroine in that series are much better matched and believable. I hope it continues that way and I\’d recommend that series. But as for Molly Murphy, I\’ve enjoyed her wit and the various areas she has taken us to (sweatshops, suffragettes, Ireland, etc.), but I\’m done. Her best adventures were without Daniel.
Review #4
Audio Hush Now, Don’t You Cry (Molly Murphy #11) narrated by Nicola Barber
This story wasn’t as good as others in the series. I love the series for Molly’s character, the historic references, Molly’s friends and husband Daniel. Other reviewers seem to hate him but I adore him and find he very much appreciates Molly for who she is and his sometimes overbearing attitudes are in keeping with the historical context and the fact that he’s a cop and does know the real dangers that exist. In the context of the era of these stories he is actually very enlightened.
Review #5
Free audio Hush Now, Don’t You Cry (Molly Murphy #11) – in the audio player below
I love Rhys\’ books. She is a masterful story teller. I can\’t wait to read what\’s next!!
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