Queenie audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Queenie audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Queenie audiobook free
Whew Chile……this book was a breath of fresh air. As though being black wasn\’t enough but being a black jamaican coconut (black shell but white inside) living in London was the topping on the cake. Talking about the taboo of therapy in the black community and how being strong is holding in feelings and keep going. Queenie\’s life echoes so many black women. Her trauma growing up, her relationship with her mother and grandparents was spot on. Her support system, friends, and coworkers. Her not knowing her worth or not seeing her beauty and settling for ain\’t shit men, white men because she didn\’t think she was beautiful enough for a brother to love her. Queenie slept with different men after a miscarriage and a breakup with her boyfriend if 3 years. Racism was visited along with sexual harassment, and sexism.Through therapy she was able to free herself from generational black women issues. Chessca, Darcy, and Cassandra were her real friends, I love their love for her. Friends holding one another accountable and having each other\’s back. This book is highly recommended for all women of color. #mentalhealthawareness #book24of2019 #bookworm #whatsnext
Review #2
Queenie audiobook streamming online
I chose the all star rating because narration, plot, the unfolding of the story, with character development, all flavored with amazing humor, pathos, and the blossoming of the characters, presented in a bird’s eye view of the story, blended together to create an outstanding novel. The theme of interracial relationships between black and white delved into fear, power, and differences between outward appearances of both racial groups. It dismissed stereotypes of racial sexuality. It displayed the folly of misconceptions that humans base relationships on, with a delightful description of the beauty inherent in all humans. PLEASE read it to discover life. Would be a great book for high school students with the psychologies presented regarding motives for sexual activities.
Review #3
Audiobook Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams
Where do i begin with this one? Queenie, Queenie, Queenie. She sort of reminded me of myself when i was younger. Not the promiscuous parts but the \”not having your shit together parts\”. I LOLed several times. I enjoyed this audiobook. There were a few shock factor moments but all in all it was a good book. Don\’t listen with children around though. I was listening while in a fast food drive thru with my window down and had to turn it off until i was able to close my window back. Reminded me of a Jamaican Bridgette Jones maybe? The narrator was perfect. I do recommend it for a little mindless chic-lit.
Review #4
Audio Queenie narrated by Shvorne Marks
I thoroughly enjoyed listening. The story is very relatable. I have been Queenie. Totally recommend this book !
Review #5
Free audio Queenie – in the audio player below
I hated this novel. Boring and painful. Queenie had some serious issues. I only finished it because I can\’t start something and not finish it.
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