Roomies audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Roomies audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Roomies audiobook free
Maybe this is a generational thing but there was just way too much \’getting drunk to have a good time\’ going on in this book. The story line also seemed a bit contrived. I finished the book, but I will avoid the author in the future. The narrator did a good job all things considered.
Review #2
Roomies audiobook streamming online
Let’s be honest I’ve been a fan girl for Christina Lauren since B.B. and they have never disappointed, however I am disappointed now, because I am in serious need of an encore. I have had a book boyfriend in Will since he was first mentioned in their books but he has now be replaced by a Beautiful Irish man. Colin is seriously everything that I would want in a mate, he’s loving, kind, encouraging, faithful, and even when his dreams come true and he could have anyone he still wants his girl! I love this and I need to know what happens after … This was an easy read, pretty quick you won’t want to put it down until you finish it! The narrator is amazing and truly does bring this story to life, and the story itself is just so real! More than ever before I believe this is their best book yet and they have truly grown as writers! This book is realistic and heartwarming, and seriously swoon worthy!
Review #3
Audiobook Roomies by Christina Lauren
Goodreads Review: First I should start that I have been a fan of these two ladies for years! Starting with Beautiful Bastard!! I\’d read romance but these ladies introduced me to RomComs, and for that, I\’m beyond grateful. Now back to this book now that I\’ve gushed about the Authors! Roomies is the perfect blend of comedy and drama. This would make for one hell of a movie. I was hooked from the first page. I felt the emotions, and just overall did not want to put this book down. I read it in about five hours and neglected the adulting I should have been doing. I should probably stop gushing now. Great job again ladies! I can only hope to be as impressive as the two of you one day. My thoughts on the Audio: K.C. Sheridan was perfect for this story, Now I can\’t wait to listen to more books with her narrating. I loved listening to books but when the author/s can find a narrator that is perfect for a story it makes it seem that much more real. I\’m ready for the next one.
Review #4
Audio Roomies narrated by K. C. Sheridan
I loved the accents by the narrator. Loved the visual descriptions of music. Charming and sweet. Calvin was an adorable male lead.
Review #5
Free audio Roomies – in the audio player below
I don’t understand why you write a really good book to not give people a good detailed ending …..gurrrrr?Makes the rest of the book and the wonderful writing kind of seem like it was a waste.
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