Oct 28, 2022

Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2)

Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2)

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Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) audiobook free

Wow!!!…. Sometimes a book will leave you speechless. That seems to be the trend with A Jade\’s books/Ashley Jade\’s books. Cole and Sawyer\’s story was not one you could absorb lightly, because it was so gritty. It was so real. Ashley\’s way with words and ability to write with the intention of making you feel every single word she writes. You can not take Lucky Seven and the Bible Thumper\’s story lightly because it speaks about real issues. Everyone has their own demons. It\’s how you tackle those SOB\’s. Cole is everything & so much more. I love him so much. I hurt for him. I feel for him. Sawyer is able to see past Cole\’s exterior and able to dig for the transparency of his interior. This book is not one you take lightly. I cannot wait for Bianca\’s story!!!


Review #2

Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) audiobook streamming online

This book was…EVERYTHING. Everything meaning, it gave me every emotion a fantastic 5 star book can give a person. Anger, happiness, lust, sadness, oh my god the utter gut wrenching sadness. But the joy outweighed the sad by tons. This was some of Ashleys best work to date. When I read Cruel Prince last year I thought \”There is absolutely NO WAY any other guy can beat Jace for my favorite man all around\”. Cole did that. IN SPADES. The way he loved Sawyer and the way he hated himself sometimes just made me want to get on my knees and pray to God myself for the Coles out there in the real World. And Sawyer. She was a force. I love her. She was so much more than the glimpse of the person I thought from the other book. And hell even Bianca surprised me I was so happy to see more from the gang. I love this series so so much. And the flashbacks were amazing. There is so much more I want to say, but my heart and mind is a jumbled mess. Because that is what this book did to me. I am in love with Ashley Jades words. 5 star book. 5 star author.


Review #3

Audiobook Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) by Ashley Jade

Ashley you just burst into 2020 and made it your b****. You f******’ ??? the year with this one! If I could give this book ??? the stars, I would for ??? the reasons! It’s such a phenomenally well written story that takes you on the ride of your life. ⁣⁣ ⁣ There’s so much depth to this book and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever read by Ashley. These two will shatter your heart and piece that sucker back together again. Although the pieces don’t line up as well, the flaws make it beautiful…just like Cole and Sawyer. ⁣ ⁣ ??????????? ??????. I smiled, I snort-laughed and I cried within the pages of this book. There’s so much talent that bled from the amazing woman who wrote this tale of two opposing characters that managed to bend the stereotypical norms and form such a bond that even I was a little jealous of the chemistry. ⁣ ⁣ Cole and Sawyer make you yearn for everyone in life to find their person because they do exist…you just have to figure out where they are.⁣ ⁣ I stand by my statement made in her group: This is by ??? the ???? book you will read this year!⁣ ⁣ Cole Covington = EPIC GREATNESS ⁣ ??????????????????!


Review #4

Audio Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) narrated by Lila Winters Teddy Hamilton

Words will not do justice to how devastatingly beautiful Sawyers journey is in this book! So this is Cole\’s book, and he goes through tremendous self discovery and growth don\’t get me wrong but OH MY HEART for Sawyer! You will feel her anguish right through the book, this author portrays this journey so many of us go through in our youth (some maybe older than that) with such grace, its a beauty to witness. There is no way you will come away from this book unchanged. I knew there was so much more to Cole than what we saw in the first book and what we see in the beginning of this one, I don\’t think HE even knew the true depths of his feelings. Its not a pretty book. Its not a nice book. It is an amazingly beautiful story that needs to be read and felt and every word is an experience and needs to be consumed in one sitting if you can because you will NOT want to put it down lol


Review #5

Free audio Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) – in the audio player below

5 Stars for the Bible Thumping good girl who landed the quarterback!!! I am emotionally wrecked from this incredible YA love story. The author delivered a poignant tale of youth and first love that broke my heart at times, yet left me euphorically in love in the end. Cole was the bad boy quarterback that every girl wanted to get with. Sawyer was a Jesus loving do-gooder that believed that everyone was redeemable…even Cole. Cole is set on being a cliche. Dating the head cheerleader is what’s expected, too bad he’d rather be with the girl that is anything but a cliche. He’s a tormented soul trying to outrun his ghosts. You’ll want to punch him one minute and kiss him the next. Sawyer is good people. She’s a great friend, truly loyal and dependable. She’s always willing to help someone out, but she’s not a pushover. She has no problem sticking up for herself or fighting back. However, she‘s fighting her own battle with how she looks. Everyone is always pressuring her to look a certain way, as if she doesn’t already berate herself enough about her appearance. When Cole begins to show an interest, everything changes. Their relationship started out under false pretenses, but it doesn’t take Cole long to realize that Sawyer isn’t just some other girl. She’s the girl you keep. However, they’ll both have to face their demons to move forward. The author dealt us a story with relevant topics that definitely hit close to home. Struggles with appearance, overwhelmed with feelings of never being good enough, guilt for mistakes you can no longer fix and poor choices that could have had dire consequences will leave you in tears. Emotions will run high. But my take away was soul-consuming love, smoldering chemistry, lasting friendships and bright futures. I smiled, I swooned, I cried more than once. An unforgettable love story that reminds us that we all struggle with something and finding your circle is what saves us.


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  • 01. welcome 8
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  • 12. Ruthless-Knight-Royal-Hearts-Academy-2-010 0:56:58

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