Shift audiobook
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Review #1
Shift audiobook free
Not sure how to start…. Want to like it,even I’d the whole human turned by crazed or homicidal rogue werewolf does feel a cliched …. I know we’ve all been here before,but honestly it wasn’t the been there done this of the story line that got me…. it’s the MC’s … I. Don’t . Like . Them! O geez , I could give myself a headache from all the times I wanted roll my eyes at how annoying or ridiculous Elizabeth was being,seriously that B got on my last nerve and just stayed there… Elizabeth seemed to need to argue like Kim Kardashian needed to show off her butt…. and sadly in both cases it seems to be a near constant thing… Even when Elizabeth knew, knew she was protesting or arguing just, well just because ,nine times out of ten she did it any way… we aren’t really given a clue as to her age ,which what ever it is she seems rather immature , I mean else can you call it when just after a werewolf attack’s her and uses her leg as a chew toy but next day can she allow ANYONE to help her get up and move ? No…. no, not is she can help it… even when she’s almost falling flat on her face she’s ungraciously pushing others away… Elizabeth is a prickly pain and even though I didn’t like her and fellow only child or not I couldn’t relate to her closed in and closed off attitude towards others ,but I hoped eventually we the readers would be let into why she was the way she was.. Why even when she’s getting on Wells/the very sweet and kinda and perky Evey,the alphas sister and future mate in law why she didn’t really confide in her and kept her at bay … But nothing… at 47% I was still grasping to understand her and not to just see her as this grouchy, overly prickly ( soo prickly even the most thorny of cactus ? would be asking her what her deal is) overly argumentative B but nothing ….still no explanations, no backstory telling us what happened to make her insecure and yet over compensating for some past mistake… N O T H I N G ….. All the while sniping at poor alpha “Abe “ and trying to argue with every other word that cane out of his mouth… I just wanted to smack her soo dang hard and ask how old are you ? Seriously, how old are you ? You act like a spoiled two year. that loves the sound of its own voice and just discovered the word “no” and yet you say you haven’t don’t this or that in a decade or haven’t had a sleep over in two decades … aaaaaa Elizabeth acts like she’s in her early 20’s but wouldn’t two decades between sleep overs make her at least 30 ? She doesn’t seem that old by half… Then there Abraham or ( this made me cringe) “Abey” seriously ? A grown man and werewolf alpha ? “Abey” ? More than once I’d forget and get confused and think it was Abbey for a sec and wonder “Who’s Abbey?” Then id remember it was this weird childish sounding nickname for what’s supposed to be a big strong “Alpha”….. Right….. I’m sure there are women named “Abbey” out there who’d come across as more strong and confident and secure in themselves than Abey here did… Now while it was plain to see the over,y itchy and prickly B that was Elizabeth needed to be handled a certain way, I still found Abe way too secretive and passive to feel alpha in the slightest .. While our h didnt want anyone to help her do anything, oddly enough as a supposed attorney who is used to dealing with criminals, didn’t seem to be too bothered by al, the secrets she knew Abe was keeping from her especially ones about why she was soo important to him… I won’t let help me stumble to the bathroom, I’d rather fall on my face or my butt but I’ll let you keep secrets concerning me and not even push for answers but argue about everything else… no… Then Abe’s sister and her bestie both couple dis the woman they both know is his mate and he doesn’t say or do a thing but comes unglued when the pack doctor is touching her forehead in a living room to check her head from a fall the night before ? While a applaud this new writers strength and effort I hated her main characters and the lack of info and backstory needed to make them work… the h seemed no more than 22 and felt about as much like a lawyer as my mailman and sane goes foe Abey the alpha…. my last Pomeranian felt more alpha like when ever he saw a postal worker… Good luck,I understand the need and the dream, I hope you get where you wanna go❣️
Review #2
Shift audiobook in series Southern Werewolves Series
My review of Howl & Shift, spoiler included: I was very disappointed with the pacing of this book. It’s more of a romance (kinda) than a mystery. The mystery drags on without much investigation. It’s more lack an after thought. P.S Calvin was the killer which we all kinda knew. The characters: The sisters were awesome! Abraham came of weak and more like a groveling fool. He let EL and Peyton walk all over him. EL was overbearing, childish, argumentative, spoiled and ignorant. She was just awful. She turned little things into big issues that really didn’t need to be. Ex., they didn’t tell her she may die after her first shift or if she mates with Abe she becomes an alpha couple. I mean….sure there is some level of betrayal but her over reaction was ridiculous. It was more like a child throwing a temper tantrum. I read the second book hoping EL would mature. I guess she did in the end..due to her own detriment. I won’t be reading anymore of this series. If it wasn’t for the sisters I wouldn’t of continued.
Review #3
Audiobook Shift by Heather MacKinnon
First off, if you you’re looking for a book with a ton of sex, this is not for you. There are some sexy scenes but no sex so again, if that’s not your thing, keep on trucking but you would be doing yourself a disservice. This book was entertaining and fun. I did not want to put it down and while Abraham sounds like an ideal man, I would love to know more about Elizabeth. I’m hoping we get more on her background in later stories. And personally, Peyton, needs to be slapped. Hard. She’s pathetic and when I read her scenes, I was embarrassed for her. Evey is great as is Callie and Del, although Evey is my fave. Bea annoys me to no end because she’s extremely rude and awful. Unfortunately, all I can think of when I see her name is Bea Arthur which is horrible because Bea Arthur was a gift to humanity. I hate that these two share a name. Overall, a great, great read. Have already purchased the next two books in the series!
Review #4
Audio Shift narrated by Cassandra Myles
5 stars for Shift by Heather Mackinnon. This is book one in the Southern Werewolves series. Elizabeth is heading to the mountains for a weekend vacation. She needs the peace and quiet. All that changes when she is bitten by a werewolf. She is saved by Abraham and brought into their pack. The person who had bitten her is a serial killer. This book is a must read. It is heated, steamy, has a lot of romance, and a ton of suspense. Elizabeth’s character is strong, witty and everything I love in a heroine of a story. Heather Mackinnon is a new to me author and I am now a big fan. The way she writes makes me feel like I am part of the story, like I can actually see what she is describing. It made the experience all that much better. I love Abraham and how romantic and caring he is while still being the Alpha. I can not wait to see what comes next. It is 1 a.m. and I am starting book two now.
Review #5
Free audio Shift – in the audio player below
McKinnon’s writing style is the most amazing I’ve ever experienced in romance genre. It’s so perfect, I want to read all her books just to get the hang of her style. She made me feel every emotion in every fiber of my muscle and every cell of my bone. I cried with Elizabeth over her loss of Abraham and I had a bottle of wine with her (she had two) over the lost of love and life. I’m normally not into sweet romance unless it gets my attention, but McKinnon knows how to get me into her plot. Now, that I got the taste of it, I want more of the delicious romance.
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