Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) audiobook free
“See you above water.” Twenty-year old Kacey Cleary is running from her past. Four years after the tragic death of her loved ones, she moves to Miami with her sister in tow. Though she tries to leave the past where it belongs, it controls her every emotion and decision. She’s offered a chance to create a new future with the help of her bubbly neighbor and irresistible love interest, but the past still finds its way to haunt her. I really enjoyed this book. I applaud and appreciate any author who is able to influence the reader’s emotions into empathizing with the narrator. I truly felt Kacey’s pain and heartache; I thought her inner dialogue and emotions were appropriately fleshed out. Many times, the author is trying too hard to convince the reader to feel a certain way, but K.A. Tucker made me feel as though I was Kacey myself. The story introduces us to many likeable characters, from the Barbie blonde next door to the burly bouncer at the strip club in which Kacey bartends. Kacey’s trauma was treated appropriately and I appreciate that the author didn’t rush her healing or the ending itself. There’s one big plot twist that is revealed but is easy to guess by the synopsis alone. However, I don’t think the lack of surprise ruined the story by any means. This is an emotional story that I truly enjoyed. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.
Review #2
Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) audiobook streamming online
After reading The Simple Wild and Wild at Heart books by this author I had such high hopes and expectations for this book. After reading the sample I was sure I\’d love Kayce and Livie so I excitedly bought the book, only to be so disappointed. The lack of character and relationship development was the death knell for me. Kayce and Trent meet there times and suddenly he\’s saved her life. What did I miss? The supporting characters, Storm, Ben, etc were never interesting, Kayce was horribly annoying, Trent was practically a non character, all interactions were stilted and blurred over behind Kayce\’s continually looping thoughts. There was great promise here, a storyline that could have been beautifully written.
Review #3
Audiobook Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) by K.A. Tucker
Okay. So, I\’m having a really hard time trying to come up with words to express my feelings about this book. The first book I read by this author was \”Burying Water\”. The story was excellent but K.A. Tucker\’s writing was just out of this world. Beautiful. Poetic. It almost made me want to sing some of her lines. After that book, I knew I had to read more from her. Seeing that this book had such great reviews (and now I see why), I decided to pick it up and let myself get lost in it. I found my way back to reality with tears streaming down my face. This story really did it for me. It was beautiful. No, it was PHENOMENAL !! A story that is filled with tragedy and heartache, yet the author still managed to create a heartfelt love story amongst all the chaos. I really don\’t know how to emphasize what a wonderful story this was. In her acknowledgements, the author mentions how she worries about her kids getting behind the wheel with so many drunk drivers out there. Those words truly hit close to home since I worry about my son each and every day as he continues to near the age of obtaining his license. So I understand very well. I\’m sure it\’s something ALL mothers worry about daily. Mrs. Tucker, if you\’re reading this, I want you to know that I have a friend who got into an accident just 3 days ago and yes, she was drunk driving. Thank God she\’s alive – although she really messed herself up badly – and that her accident was against a tree and not someone else whom she could have hurt real bad or even killed. I am going to force her to read this book, since she has no choice but to be in bed rest for the next 6 months, and I really think that ur words (which you mentioned in your last line of your acknowledgements) will come into effect. It will change her life and for you, it will be monumental. Thank you for a wonderful read. I only hope that my books can, someday, make the same impact on others as you have made on me. I can\’t wait to read more from you.
Review #4
Audio Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) narrated by Elizabeth Louise
OH the twists and turns in this one… PHEW! This is about Kacey and Livie, sisters moving on with their life after a traumatic experience. Kacey was in a car accident, she lost her parents, best friend, and boyfriend. She also suffered severe injuries as well, but works through them. She’s in full on denial, hiding the pain away and not wanting to talk about it. Here strength, is her sister, Livie. She convinces herself that she’s doing everything for her, instead of admitting she’s really just hiding. They move to a run down apartment in Miami, and that’s where she meets mysterious Trent in apartment 1D. Chemistry is immediate and she was trying to keep him at bay, but just couldn’t resist. I also love her new best friend, Storm, and her daughter Mia. These two were so cute and she built a good relationship with them. Of course, Kacey and Trent both have their pasts, but they were so much alike. The twists and secrets come out and I kind of got the hint of it in an important scene, but it was written well. There are more to the series and other spin offs for other characters, I liked Ben also and Cain and even Nate, but I don’t think she has one for him. I will be reading the one about Livie, One Tiny Lie. I felt like they kind of went a little fast when they didn’t have quite a bond yet in the beginning, but it all makes sense later…! This gets 4 PIGGIES!!
Review #5
Free audio Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) – in the audio player below
Last year I was part of the blog tour for K.A. Tucker’s Burying Water. I loved it! I loved the writing and the way she told the story totally capturing your attention and your heart. Ten Tiny Breaths has been on my TBR for a long while and I’ve been holding off for ages to try and get my request list down but I finally succumbed to my need to read it! The story is all about Kacey. She’s a survivor of a drink-drive accident that claimed the life of her family and friends and is all about her fresh start in Miami looking after her sister Livie. I really enjoyed Kacey’s character right from the start. I loved her determination to provide for her sister, to give her everything she wanted and needed to go some way to filling the gaping chasm in their lives. That earned Kacey my respect right from the beginning of the story. Although on the outside she appeared strong, fierce and independent there was always something that felt like avoidance rather than acceptance of her situation. The whole cast of characters make the story really enjoyable. Kacey’s neighbour Storm adopts a mothering role over Kacey and Livie although she’s not that much older herself and that relationship felt like a security blanket for the girls and also allowed Kacey to start to open up a bit. Her other neighbour is the gorgeous Trent Emerson. Trent immediately has this whole bad boy/good guy swagger going on that piques both Kacey’s interest and yours as the reader. I loved that playful way he had but also loved how at times it felt like he was battling to restrain his wild side. There is one hell of a plot twist which I’ll admit I guessed what was going to happen. However although I knew what was going to happen I couldn’t anticipate the reaction of the characters and that really had me hooked. I think this would be great for fans of Samantha Young, Colleen Hoover and Jamie McGuire. I’ve already devoured the second and third books in the series!
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