The Last Mrs. Summers (Royal Spyness #14) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Last Mrs. Summers (Royal Spyness #14) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Last Mrs. Summers (Royal Spyness #14) audiobook free
Yes! Lady Georgie and Rhys Bowen are back. The previous book was a major disappointment and I was a tad reticent to pre-order this audiobook but I did and I’m glad. The old Georgie is back and I’m pleased to say that Rhys has written a book up to her usual high standards. Georgie and Darcy are settled into their new home but his career calls him away, again. Georgie goes to London to catch up with friends but finds “there’s no ZuZu (audiobook listener;unsure of the spelling), no Belinda, no Queen Mary, and no Grand Dad.” When she returns to Aynsley, who should appear but Belinda with her new Aston Martin and a plan to visit the property in Cornwall left to her by her Grandmother. So the two of them hit the road. I liked the story of Belinda’s childhood and the people from her youth she meets when back in Cornwall. One of those early friends recognizes her and insists that Georgie and Belinda stay with her and her husband. The husband, by the way, who Belinda knows a little better than is acceptable. It is Belinda, after all. There are many strange things happening and many stories from decades ago. They all make for mystery and, of course, a murder for Georgie to investigate. Good stuff! Queenie appears sparingly, which is fine with me. The narration was not the least bit of a distraction. Katie Kellgren is still missed but Jasmine Blackborow is filling in nicely.
Review #2
The Last Mrs. Summers (Royal Spyness #14) audiobook streamming online
THE LAST MRS. SUMMERS is Book 14 in Rhys Bowen\’s Royal Spyness cozy mystery series about Lady Georgina (Georgie) Runneth who is now Mrs. Darcy O\’Mara since she gave up her claim to the British crown (she was 35th in line so she gave up nothing of value). Georgie has no formal training as a murder investigator but she has a real talent and lots of opportunity because she is called on to solve one or more murders in each book in the Royal Spyness series. This series is set early in the 20th century (Approx. 100 years ago). This novel has Georgie and her best friend Belinda Warburton-Stokes visiting the south coast of England while Darcy O\’Mara is away on an assignment. They end up staying in the castle of an old make friend of Belinda\’s when the owner of the castle is found naked and dead on Belinda\’s bed with the bloody knife that stabbed him in Belinda\’s hands. Three other people end up murdered. Georgie\’s task is to solve the murders while staying out of the way of the police. The prior novel in the series titled Love and Death Among the Cheetahs is set in Africa during the honeymoon of Georgie and Darcy O\’Mara. It is the only bad novel in the wonderful series. The Last Mrs. Summers is a nice recovery back to the 5 star ratings of all earlier series novels. I started listening to the series because it was narrated by Katherine Kellgren who was simply the best narrator ever. Kellgren died of cancer much too soon early in 2018. Jasmine Blackborow has done a very good job of narrating the three series novels published since Kellgren\’s death but there is no way she or anyone else could match the incredible narrating job of Katherine Kellgren. I recommend this series and this novel. Each novel is standalone but reading the novels in order helps to observe the unmatched character development of the many characters by author Rhys Bowen.
Review #3
Audiobook The Last Mrs. Summers (Royal Spyness #14) by Rhys Bowen
After the dud that was Love and Death Among the Cheetahs I am happy to say Georgie is back on track. There was one or two glimpses of a Georgie that I didn\’t like – but overall I feel she was a more empathetic, less of a … well frankly a bit of a snob. I feel Rhys might be listening to her readers (or in this case listeners) There were a couple of items I did not like in this book though – I feel the \”investigation\” was a little fruitless. I also feel sometimes we could get to the murder a little faster and work though the details after. Rhys has a great talent for story telling but when the murder feels like it is midway through the book it doesn\’t help. And lastly, her use of repetition (I say this again and again) needs to be toned down. I am all for a shorter story without that. I did like the characters in this book outside the usual crowd. Though I did miss Georgie\’s mum (sometimes she brings that bit of glam we need. Belinda is great but she can only carry the story so far.) I would like to see another adventure after this one set at home. And I would love to see another book where characters make a return – would like Coco Chanel who I loved. Onto the next entry – I look forward to it. And whilst I know we all miss Katherine Kellgren I do feel that Jasmine Blackborow is a worthy successor. I loved both her previous performances. I know some people didn\’t. But she worked hard in this book and I liked it!
Review #4
Audio The Last Mrs. Summers (Royal Spyness #14) narrated by Jasmine Blackborow
It\’s been a while since I read from this series but I jumped in again and I\’m so glad I did. Fun premise, fabulous narrator – a winning combination. I was sorry when it was over and look forward to the next book!
Review #5
Free audio The Last Mrs. Summers (Royal Spyness #14) – in the audio player below
Belinda is not as superficial as she was when younger. She and Georgie are great together. The story had me guessing up until the very end.
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