The Mortal Heart (Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories #1) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Mortal Heart (Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Mortal Heart (Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories #1) audiobook free
It is with a heavy heart that I give this rating. My love for the Beautiful Creatures series can only be matched by that of Ethan Carter Ware and Lena themselves, but alas, this novella was disappointing. And I was SO excited when I learned there was more within the BC universe to devour. I really cannot fathom how two heads came together and created something this anti-climatic. It even had the NERVE to contradict itself. In BC (book 1) Marian explained that Leila Jane Evers introduced her to the Luna Libre, but this book shows that it was the other way around (unless the published book drastically changed from the advance read copy I possess). Also, whether this should be considered a novelette (or even a short story) instead of a novella is a different story altogether (~1500 words) Sigh, but the pacing was really bad. It took less than an hour to read (a better example of novellas would be in the I am Number 4 series). I felt like the book was done in haste just to get SOMETHING out there in the BC universe. I am so so disappointed. I will TRY to finish the rest of the “novellas” but I refuse to even pay another $1.99 for them. I’ll just check them out from the library.
Review #2
The Mortal Heart (Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories #1) audiobook streamming online
Not bad, but not that good. Tells rather than shows, which is always a mistake with love stories. The three main characters deserved a lot better. This could have been another Snape and Lily tale, but it\’s too short and frankly focuses on the \”main events\” only, with very little attention to the details, the small acts, that make for a solid, believable story that you\’re sorry to finish and that you feel really have you further insight into the characters. This just made me want to go write better fanfiction. It also contradicts Marian\’s statement in the main books that Lila was the one who gave Marian her job as head librarian of the Lunae Libri, which I was looking forward to finding out the story behind.
Review #3
Audiobook The Mortal Heart (Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories #1) by Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl
While I loved the Caster Chronicles, I was in no way some mega-crazed fan, and it\’s been years since I finished the series. Because of this, I was worried when I purchased this story that too much time had passed and I would have forgotten everything, or wouldn\’t feel the same connection to the story as I would if I had just finished the series. But this was a nice, albeit short, read, and the authors did a great job re-introducing me to the world before diving into the story. Sure, it was a little underdeveloped due to the fact that it was so short, and it definitely left me wanting more, but I wouldn\’t let that dissuade you from reading it if you enjoyed the original series.
Review #4
Audio The Mortal Heart (Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories #1) narrated by Ellen Archer
I finished reading the Mortal Heart. I really enjoyed it, but wished that there was more. I agree with the other readers, it was very short. I felt that the authors could have combined the Seer\’s Spread and this book together to make it longer. I love Macon Ravenwood\’s character. It is so conflicted, but always managing to do the right thing. If you like to know how Lila Evers and Macon Ravenwood met and began their courtship, read this book. Then read the Seer\’s Spread to give you a glimpse of the story before the story.
Review #5
Free audio The Mortal Heart (Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories #1) – in the audio player below
Not saying I didn\’t love it, but I don\’t feel as if this story really answered anything. It needs to explain more, and the bit it did explain seemed too short, rushed.
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