The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6) audiobook free
This isn\’t a review for the book, but for the audible recording. This is the only one of the series by this narrator, and compared to the other books it falls far short. It\’s all pet peeves – she doesn\’t pronounce names and words the same. Lay lines become lei lines and takata is tah-kah-tah with all sharp sounds. They also play this ominous music when there\’s a potential plot twist which is just annoying. Thankfully, the original narrator is back with the next book. For the books themselves – Kim Harrison does an outstanding job with the Hollows series, all in all its very enjoyable.
Review #2
The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6) audiobook streamming online
I have read the whole series, so this isn\’t particular to this book, but the main character frustrates me in as much as she won\’t kill anyone (though they deserve it), even though she talks smack (a lot), but when it comes down to it her morals are more important than the people in her life. There are many instances when if she had put the greater good ahead of herself – and she whines in her head that it\’s all her fault and usually it is – several of the people in her life would be alive. I hated this part of the books. The action, the twists and turns, the unexpected surprises, the relationships, etc. All good! I would rate them a 5. But the main character pissed me off so many times, I wanted to smack her myself. At times she acts like a bully and wonders why people react ugly. At others she doesn\’t react when she should. Overall I would recommend this series, but wish the author would take this information and use it in her next series.
Review #3
Audiobook The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6) by Kim Harrison
In this book Al has escaped the Ever After because someone is summoning him out. Al is out of blood, Rachel\’s blood that is, and he is torturing her loved ones just to piss Rachel off. Rachel must team up with Trey to save herself and the ones she cares about and travel into the Ever After. Meanwhile Rachel discovers a shocking secret about her parentage that will have her questioning who she is. Also, Ceri has some shocking news herself and Quin will put himself in mortal peril to help Ceri. As always in a Rachel Morgan book there is a lot going on and Rachel must deal with it all as well as trying to heal from the tragedy that struck her in the previous book. I don\’t know how Kim Harrison does it but the story never bogs down as Rachel moves from one crisis to another. In this book we get a glimpse into Rachel\’s childhood and more contact with her mother. I love her mother and my favorite scene is when she is giving Rachel advice on her love life. I liked how all the plot lines come together in the end and Rachel is able to save the day with just the right amount of humor and dramatic flair. As far as the narrator of this book it is the only one that does not have Marguerite Gavin narrating and this narrator is Gigi Bermingham. My only complaint about this book is the narrator I disliked the way she voiced Jenks but it wasn\’t enough to make me stop the audiobook. When listening to this book just do like I did and keep reminding yourself she only does this book and Ms. Gavin will return for White Witch, Black Curse and it will help you get through Jenks\’ voice narration. Overall, I really like Outlaw Demon Wails and give this audiobook four solid laser pistols.
Review #4
Audio The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6) narrated by Gigi Bermingham
Summary When you dance with demons, you lay your soul on the line . . . In the Hollows, where the natural and the supernatural co-exist–not always peacefully–desperate times often call for unorthodox measures. But bounty hunter-witch Rachel Morgan did the absolutely unthinkable to save the lives of her friends: she willingly trafficked in forbidden demon magic. And now her sins have come home to haunt her. As Rachel hunts for the truth behind a terrifying murder, the discovery of a shocking family secret is about to throw her entire life into question. And the long-lost ancient knowledge she seeks resides in the demonic ever-after. But there are some lines that should never be crossed–like the one Rachel Morgan\’s stepping over . . . again! The Good Oh. My. God. Harrison has outdone herself. The action is set from the very beginning and doesn\’t stop. The revelations, the intensity, the drama, all of it made me speechless from start to finish. Harrison weaves a thrilling plot and sub plots while giving us humor, action, and the same beloved characters that make the series what it is. As mentioned on my home page, I assume that you have read the previous books, so this review will have references to the happenings of past books. From the start we have someone sending Al, the demon, after Rachel. And you can imagine how happy that makes Al. Then the revelations start. Ceri has a secret she finally reveals which will change the future history of the elven race. The night of Kisten\’s murder is revealed some more. And Rachel finally learns about her past and true heritage, and boy is that a doosey. Plus, we find out why demon\’s tend to gravitate towards Rachel. This is a book where almost all the things Harrison has eluded to in the whole of the series finally comes out. Yeah, try not reading this book now, I dare you. Yup, not gonna happen. Many fans will be happy to know that Rachel and Ivy finally come to some sort of an agreement about the dynamics of their relationship. I have a feeling this really might be the last time we have to deal with that drama. The best part of the book is the trip. What trip? Well, the most exciting, frightening trip you can ever think of. Rachel, Trent, and Jenks go to…wait for it…the EVER-AFTER. Yaaaaay. *Does her Ever-After dance* (Just count yourself lucky you didn\’t have to see my dance, it ain\’t pretty) If you want to sweat with anxiety and bite your nails down to the wick, this is the section of the book for you. I still have nightmares after reading it. Rachel is still Rachel. She\’s quirky, interesting, and always in need of help. She jumps into every situation without thinking, but that\’s why we love her. Ivy is finally starting to actively work on herself. She is getting over the mental damage Piscary has caused and is becoming more well with who she is. Jenks is still causing trouble and his huge family is not helping matters. Gotta love the pixies. And a couple new characters are introduced, and already I have high hopes for them. Especially Bis, the gargoyle. Super-freakin\’-cute. But it\’s the notorious demon Al and elf Trent that really shine in this book. Both characters are thoroughly flushed out and the reader is given insights behind their motivations, which in a way helps us sympathise with them. Plus, we learn more about Rachel\’s mom. Definitely a plus. The Bad Same problems. Rachel is still occasionally annoying and the descriptions are lengthy. The middle is a tiny bit slow, but it didn\’t really bother me. The Snuggly No sex scenes, just a biting scene that is a little sexual. Overall This book surprised me. Every part of the plot interested me and the ending was very satisfying. We even get major twists in the end that will make you eager to read the series\’ future books. The character development was superb and the action well-paced and enthralling. The Outlaw Demon Wails is a must read.
Review #5
Free audio The Outlaw Demon Wails (The Hollows #6) – in the audio player below
What could be better? Well superb writing and a skill with emotional angst that is hard to beat. Kim Harrison\’s subtle handling of Rachel\’s inner turmoils are painful-sweet and gut wrenching agony and yet she is still a strong protagonist and the reader hunches breathless over her struggles daring to hope she will find a way through, and she does. Can I be the only person in the world to hope deep down that she and Ivy become a couple? And Ivy, oh Ivy, aren\’t you just the right blend of sweet and wicked. Ohh yes. Can\’t wait to find out what happens in the end, and yet, don\’t want it to end. Such bitter sweet pain!
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