Tic audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Tic audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Tic audiobook free
Ugh! I remember now why I quit reading this author\’s books. Her writing is really good and there is lots of action plus romance with suspense. But, she just has to kill off at least one or more of the main characters just when they are making everything workout! I hate that! Over 3/4 of the book was about Ashley and Tic, then the last quarter was how great things worked out for Tic and someone else. Just totally ruined the book for me. This was the reason for the 3 star. Had the original characters had their happy ending, I would have given it 5 stars.
Review #2
Tic audiobook in series Soulless Bastards MC – NoCal Series
I am very upset with what the author did. I couldn\’t even finish the book!!!!!!!!!!!! Spoiler alert. Tic loved Ashley throughout the whole story. Terrible things happened to her and he stayed by her side. He loved her. But they killed off her character wh. Then they introduce Kenderly and he falls in love with her. What the hell was the author thinking?!!!! It really upset me. If you like happy endings don\’t read this book.
Review #3
Audiobook Tic by Erin Trejo
First there should have been a trigger warning about a few situations. Also, the ending was just eww. I didn’t like how the author handled who the “hero”ended up with. It just felt like she had written herself into a corner and just decided to say
[email protected]*# it and put these two characters together. Kenderly was just not the one for me, I am sorry but it was his dad and even if they never slept together she hinted that it almost happens and that is just messed up.
Review #4
Audio Tic narrated by Brandon Utah Jillian Macie
What you did near the end killed the book for me! I could careless about the other person you through in. I didn\’t even finish it after that!
Review #5
Free audio Tic – in the audio player below
My god I get that the MC life is a rough one but damn Erin way to tear a girls heart apart. The Soulless Bastards MC men are ones that I would want on my side. From Declan to Mayhem and now Tic – by god too much sexiness in one place. I was super excited to get to know Tic better and his son. My heart ached and rejoiced for them and then it was literally torn from my body but slowly it was put back together. I believe in fate and that things happen for a reason and we might not know it right away but eventually you will know but damn Erin for giving my heart a run for my money. Erin Trejo, Tic was on point. The story captivated me from page one and I literally devoured the book in hours – I couldn’t put it down. The emotions that were set forth while reading are indescribable. I laughed, I cheered, i yelled, I cried and slowly my heart was partially put back together. Tic is a complete emotion overload read. I can’t go into more with ruining the book for you all – grab your copy and get to reading. I’ll be on the other side waiting. Just know the book is amazing and you will be OK! • Review By Chasing The Words Book Blog
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