Too Hard to Resist audiobook
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Review #1
Too Hard to Resist audiobook free
Book 3 in the Wherever you Go series did not disappoint. In most series there is always something in each that grasp on to my heart. In book one I could relate to Teague a lot and felt at times she was like me. In book 2 it was Levi that pulled me in and Harper that made me shake my head. However, this book is my favorite because I felt everything. I understood a lot of what Madison was going through with being cheated on and trying to wade through the jerks to see if any decent guys are out there. Lol I am still looking. Elliot has a drive to succeed because it’s how he survived being the middle child in a home that was hard on him. These two have known each other for so long in never even occurs to them they could like each other. I think it’s what made this story so real for me. We can go through our days so focused on what we want sometimes we forget or don’t see what we need. Elliot was a playboy in the first two books and I wondered how Robin was going to bring the REAL Elliot out. Once again she did it naturally it’s not all at once and even he is surprised at the amount of himself he shares with Madison. Now Madison is another story, we get to know her in book one, two and this one even more. She is such a kind person you can’t help but love her. Add in that she went to college, has a degree, is not wanting to live off her parents (who are LOADED) and what is not to love? Robin created these characters that may come from money but they want/need to succeed on their own and I loved that! Now there is one part that made me laugh because I don’t know if it’s the mom in me or the fact that I hate washing dishes but… There is a scene that both Madison and Elliot are doing dishes by hand in one of the Mansions their families own. This was funny to me because if I had a Mansion I would either hire someone to do the dishes or have a dishwasher. I was however impressed that they both knew how to do dishes in the first place. This is what I mean by Robin giving her characters more depth and realness. Alight you know what I’m going to say, go grab this book and read it in your favorite spot.
Review #2
Too Hard to Resist audiobook in series Wherever You Go
After reading the first book of this series…….Elliot & Madison were the couple I wanted to read about. They knew one another through Mateo, but didn’t really know each other very well. But once she gets a temp job as his assistant……holy smokes, do the sparks start to fly! I loved how they admitted to being attracted to one another, yet know they can’t (or shouldn’t) act on it. The little hate notes they give each other – I just laughed out loud every time I read one of them, especially the ones written by Madison. She sure wasn’t what I expected as a character, but I absolutely love her and the growth of her character through the series. And Elliot…..he was a tough boss and an extreme perfectionist, but he showed such a different side with Madison. He was sweet and tender with her, but he was also a dirty talker – and I loved it! This by far was my favorite book in the series – and I wish this wasn’t the ending. Hopefully with the little hinting of a proposal at the end from one of the characters that maybe we’ll get to see a wedding for one of them in the future!
Review #3
Audiobook Too Hard to Resist by Robin Bielman
Too Hard to Resist is completely IRRESISTIBLE! Prepare for the funniest, sexiest, most heart-stoppingly romantic read of the year! If you loved Simon Parker from Wallbanger or Bennett Ryan from Beautiful Bastard, buckle up because you’re going to adore Elliot Sax. He’s smart, ambitious, and utterly hot. And Madison is just the girl to match wits and wiles with him. The chemistry between them is absolutely explosive, but I’d be selling this story short by focusing solely on the banter and attraction. The book packs an emotional punch too, as what’s supposed to be strictly a working relationship evolves into so much more. It’s another five star read from an author who always delivers on every level. If Bielman isn’t already on your auto-buy list, she will be now!
Review #4
Audio Too Hard to Resist narrated by Oliver Clarke Reagan West
Loved this story of forbidden office love between Elliot and Madison, a slow burning relationship develops that they need to keep secret. Soon they will need to decide between the job or the love that they share. This is the third book in the series of Whenever You Go, but can be read as a stand alone. It was great to see former friends from the previous stories. This story is told in dual POV. Loved Madison, a very strong female, who knows what she wants and not afraid to go after what she wants. Elliot, thinks he knows what he wants in his life, to succeed in his career but soon finds out there is more in life with the help from his friends. Loved the chemistry between them, along with the banter. A fun sexy read that I could not put down. I highly recommend this story.
Review #5
Free audio Too Hard to Resist – in the audio player below
Too Hard to Resist is EVERYTHING. It’s sexy, sweety, a slow burn forbidden office romance. Lordy, can Ms. Bielman write heroes that are my favorite book boyfriends. Elliot is smart, gorgeous, kind, and focussed on Madison, but they cant act on their feelings for each other. The sexual tension between Madison and Elliot is exquisite. Madison is a friend you want in your life. Smart, intelligent, determined, and you can’t help but be in this couples corner from the very beginning. Too Hard to Resist is a standalone and third in the Wherever You go MUST READ series. I adored this and devoured it in one sitting.
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