Trickery (Curse of the Gods #1) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Trickery (Curse of the Gods #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Trickery (Curse of the Gods #1) audiobook free
This is a light, humorous fantasy novel that in tone, style, and subject matter reads like a YA. The Audible description gives you no idea that as the series goes on it turns into a \”reverse harem\” sexual fantasy where all of the impossibly buff and handsome brothers are inexplicably obsessed with the main character and have to agree to \”share\” her bedroom favors. And the author seems to be a lot more invested in the harem and the sex scenes than the world-building and plot. If that\’s your idea of a good time, have at it. But if you\’re more interested in the plot than the sex fantasy, or if you don\’t think jealousy among men is the sexiest possible thing, give it a pass.
Review #2
Trickery (Curse of the Gods #1) audiobook streamming online
One minute she is believably 18. Then the next, I\’m wondering if she\’s so naive that she\’s a child. I wouldn\’t recommend this story to anyone. The performance was good considering how bad the content was.
Review #3
Audiobook Trickery (Curse of the Gods #1) by Jane Washington Jaymin Eve
I love fantasy. I despise YA. I don’t know why all YA heroines are all narcissistic sociopaths. This book is a prime example of a heroine who is a self-obsessed truly awful individual whom we are supposed to believe everyone falls instantly in love with. Throughout the book she cause near constant harm to others and shows no remorse or ownership for her her actions. Instead shrugging her shoulder and blanking her “curse”. It is glaringly obviously where this storyline is going and how her “curse” will turn out to be a “gift”. But I am still left wondering about all the poor dwellers who have had to clean up her messes and suffered injuries because of her. I feel like this type of YA tells girls it is ok to be totally self-obsessed and cruel because boys and everyone will think it is cute. It’s not. It’s really not.
Review #4
Audio Trickery (Curse of the Gods #1) narrated by Vanessa Moyen
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The storyline and voices were excellent. The main character seems to have been ripped off a comedy stage! She is very humorous with the associated insecurities you would expect from a young comedian. The relationships between the characters develop nicely with a very kinky undertone. One warning though — if bad language makes you squeamish, you should probably skip this one (your loss though!)
Review #5
Free audio Trickery (Curse of the Gods #1) – in the audio player below
Ok first off I NEVER give things 5 stars. If I like it it gets 3. If I REALLY like it it gets 4. To get 5 stars I have to have loved it so much that the moment it\’s over I want to go replay it. THIS book is one of those rare finds. Honestly I just finished reading 2 series that were both 6 books long and fairly dark and I wanted something based in a different world that would put me in a good mood. I nearly skipped this book until I saw how nearly all the reviewers noted how funny it was. So I caved. All that said, I loved the book. I had me laughing so hard at times that my sides hurt. :). The authors find a nice balance between humour and realistic consequences. The one down side to this book is that it IS the first in the series which means that most of the book is focused on world building and character development. Also, there are a LOT of characters to meet and get to know and at times you have to be careful or they begin to blur together. But there is a story told fully here and it sets a great foundation for the future books. I can\’t wait to see where the authors take the story from here but in the mean time, I\’ll probably be replaying this one a LOT.
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