Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild audiobook free
While listening to the first two anthologies, I did not realize that it was he who really brought the stories to life. So far, Felicia Day and the man who voiced Fortunato are the best; but that is not saying the best that could be said about them. Felicia does well, but hey mild lisp works against her in the narrating business.And, frankly, I have to agree with an earlier reviewer, Bagabond strikes me as a rather extraneous character. Though, I do not agree with him nearly as vehemently.
Review #2
Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild audiobook streamming online
This story wasn\’t quite as good as the previous books. also, Luke Daniels reading in the previous ones is so good.
Review #3
Audiobook Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild by George R. R. Martin
super disappointing narration compared to the last two books Hiram\’s voice actor was okay and fortunato\’s was okay and I really like the guy that read specters all the female parts are pretty disappointing.it was pretty hard to tell who was speaking at any given time and their accents were not terrible. probably would have been better off with one actor doing the whole book
Review #4
Audio Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild narrated by Felicia Day Molly Quinn Pam Grier Prentice Onayemi Ray Porter Ron Donachie Stephen McHattie
I really liked the first four of them and was excited to hear this one but it was a real effort to slosh through this. I felt this book\’s narrators did not flow as well as previous books causing the flow of the book to choppy at best.
Review #5
Free audio Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild – in the audio player below
The narrators on their own were fine together though it made the story jumbled with characters having different voices constantly. also too much Fortunato please for the love of Jetboy let this be it for him for a while. hes creepy and off putting.
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