Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty audiobook free
Yep more politics, much of it not interesting which brings the storyline down. There are some of the same great narrators but some of the new ones are a big drop from the first 3 books a few were actually a big distraction for me. Will read VI but only because I feel like I have to.
Review #2
Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty audiobook streamming online
Arguably one of the busiest novels in the series, introductions to new heroes and reminders of heroes past, a touch of social outrage and fear, complementing our current life experiences as of September 4th 2020. Relistening to the story struck me with many parallels to our own world, amazingly this was written in 1988.
Review #3
Audiobook Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty by George R. R. Martin
Yikes. Some writers are MUCH better than others, but to put the ones that suck right before or after the better ones made it much worse. Super cool concepts but just not quite there on the execution. And some of the narrators were painful to listen to.
Review #4
Audio Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty narrated by Adrian Paul Felicia Day Jake Weber Lina Esco Raphael Sbarge Ray Porter Roy Dotrice Scott Brick Sean Astin
Croyd is my favorite character, so more of him is always good. The physical fights between aces was awesome. The biggest con of listening to these is the lack of emotion from some of the female narrators. Overall, I like this book more than the last. Hurry up and make more of these books availible on audible!
Review #5
Free audio Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty – in the audio player below
Wanted to love this series but too often it discards or mutilates its Black and Brown characters. Too often the power base of Black and Brown Aces and Jokers have a connection to sex and it makes me wonder what the writers think of Black and Brown men and women. Hardly any diversity to the characters now with the deaths, often brutal murders, of so many Black and brown characters.
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